Friday, June 24, 2016

Listen Attentively

Allah Command to Do Good Things

A man came to Abdul-Allah bin Mas’ûd, may Allah be pleased with him. 
He said, “Give me advice.”

Abdul-Allah said,

 “If you hear Allah saying, “O you believe,” then you should listen to it attentively.
 It is a good thing you are commanded to do, or an evil you are forbidden to do.”

Friday, June 17, 2016

Change Needs Time

Change Will Come

Change needs time to take place. 
Thus, advocates of a just cause should not expect that their goals would swiftly realize. They should not act as if people were only waiting for them and as soon as they  knew about their cause, they would rush to follow and support that cause. 
 In real life, bringing change into existence is a long process involving a great deal of patience, comprise that does not affect the principles of the cause, positive communication and negotiation with the followers and adversaries of the cause, and unshakable commitment to the cause.