Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Understand and Learn English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Ad-Duha


Learn English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Ad-Duha

Surah Ad-Duha, Revealed in Makkah, Contains 11 Ayah

Bism-Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

In the Name of Allah, the Giver of Mercy, the Most Merciful

93:1 By the forenoon, 

93:2 and by the night when it grows still,

93:3 your Lord has neither forsaken you nor hates you.

93:4 And the Hereafter is surely better for you than the First.

93:5 And your Lord will surely give you and you will be pleased.

93:6 Did He not find you an orphan and shelter you?

93:7 And did He not find you wandering and guide you,

93:8 and He found you needy and made you rich?

93:9 Therefore, as for the orphan, do not oppress,

93:10 and as for one who asks for help, do not chide.

93:11 And as for the blessing of your Lord, proclaim it.

Cause of Revelation 

It was mentioned that surah Ad-Duha was revealed to invalidate the claim of the disbelievers, who said that Allah, Exalted be He, hated His Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] when the revelation was late. The angel Gabriel was late to bring Allah’s revelation to Messenger Muhammad, so a woman said, ‘The devil of Muhammad left him.’ Therefore, Allah revealed, 93:3 your Lord has neither forsaken you nor hates you. [Jama Al-Bayan, Tafsir At-Tabari]. 


93:1 By the forenoon, 

93:2 and by the night when it grows still,

Allah, Exalted swears by the forenoon, namely, the time after the sun rises. It is the time of movement and activity and seeking for livelihood. 

It is also said that it refers to the entire day as it corresponds to the night. However, the first opinion is more suitable because the forenoon refers to the time that comes after the sun rises and spreads its light in the universe. 

Allah, Exalted be He, also swears by the night when it grows still and covers the universe with its darkness, which causes people’s movement and activity to cease. 

Allah can swear by whatever thing of His creatures, but the created beings can only swear by Allah. 

93:3 your Lord has neither forsaken you nor hates you.

O noble Messenger Muhammad, your Lord, Allah, has neither forsaken you nor hated you since the time He has chosen you to convey the message of His Oneness to humanity; rather, you are the object of His love and care, and He is pleased with you. 

In other words, the ayah negates that Allah refrained from revealing His revelation to His Messenger and Prophet Muhammad and that He neither forsook nor hated him. 

Indeed, Allah, Exalted be He, never ceased to reveal His revelation to His Messenger and Prophet Muhammad as the disbelievers claimed. Some of them said that Allah forsook His Prophet, while others thought that Allah hated him. The surah refuted their claims eloquently. 

93:4 And the Hereafter is surely better for you than the First.

93:5 And your Lord will surely give you and you will be pleased.

Allah, Exalted be He, gave His Messenger and Prophet Muhammad good news.

O noble Messenger Muhammad, the Hereafter and what Allah has prepared for you of indescribable happiness therein is better for you than the life of this world wherein He has given you prophethood, high ranks, and sublime ethics. Moreover, Allah will surely give you of the goodness of the life of this world and the Hereafter that will please you and make you happy. He will give you victory and authority, make the truth high by the efforts that you and your truthful companions make, and grant you high ranks in the Hereafter, which none knows but Allah, such as the praiseworthy status and the great intercession. Thus, you will be pleased with the blessings and the bounties that your Lord, Allah, will bestow on you.

O noble Messenger Muhammad, your future will be better than the past. You will increase in power and status day after day. Therefore, do not care about those who claim that I have forsaken or hated you. Indeed, I will make your rank and position higher and higher. 

 The following ayat mention some of Allah’s blessings on Messenger Muhammad, and the interrogation is for emphasis and confirmation. 

 93:6 Did He not find you an orphan and shelter you?

 O noble Messenger Muhammad, you were an orphan as your father died when you were an embryo in your mother's womb. Allah, out of His bounty and generosity, sheltered you, took care of you, and made your grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, undertake the responsibility of taking care of you. After your grandfather died, Allah made your uncle, Abu Talib, take care of you, and protect you against the abuse of the disbelievers when you received the divine revelation until he died. 

93:7 And did He not find you wandering and guide you,

O noble Messenger Muhammad, Allah found you wandering as you did not know prophethood and the principles of Islamic law. Then Allah guided you, revealed to you His revelation, and taught you the principles of Islamic law.

The scholars of Tafsir mention the following opinions about the meaning of the ayah. 1) Messenger Muhammad did not know the path of prophethood and the principles of Islamic law. Then Allah guided him to them. This is the opinion of the majority of the scholars. 2) Messenger Muhammad lost his way when he was a child in Makkah. Then, Allah caused him to return to his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. 3) When Messenger Muhammad traveled with Maysarah, the servant of Khadijah, for business, Satan took the rein of his she-camel to make him lose his way; however, the angel Gabriel came and breathed against Satan, which caused him to go to a very far place. Allah conferred this blessing on His Messenger Muhammad. 4) Allah found Messenger Muhammad among his tribe, which went astray away from the right path. And He guided His Messenger Muhammad to the creed of worshipping Allah alone and prophethood. 5) Allah found Messenger Muhammad forgetful, and He guided him to remember Him. 6) Allah found Messenger Muhammad unknown among people, so He made him known [Zad Al-Masyr fi Ilm At-Tafsir, Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi]. 

93:8 and He found you needy and made you rich?

O noble Messenger Muhammad, your father died and he did not leave you wealth, so you grew up poor under the care of your grandfather and uncle. Then, Allah, out of His bounty and generosity, made you rich. He bestowed on you the blessing of contentment. You were content with what He gave to you even if it was insufficient. Moreover, Allah made you rich as you worked for Khadijah’s business and you earned sufficient money that enabled you to live a decent life. 

Qatada, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘93:6 Did He not find you an orphan and shelter you? 93:7 And did He not find you wandering and guide you, 93:8 and He found you needy and made you rich? These are the stages of Messenger Muhammad’s life before Allah sent him as His Messenger. [Jama Al-Bayan, Tafsir At-Tabari]’ 

After mentioning some of Allah’s blessings on Allah’s Messenger Muhammad, he was commanded to thank Allah and fulfill Allah’s rights on him.

93:9 Therefore, as for the orphan, do not oppress,

93:10 and as for one who asks for help, do not chide.

93:11 And as for the blessing of your Lord, proclaim it.

O noble Messenger Muhammad, Allah’s blessings on you are numerous. You were an orphan and He sheltered you. You did not know prophethood and the principles of Islamic law and Allah made you know them and revealed His revelation to you. You were poor and Allah made you rich. Therefore, you should thank Allah, the giver of all blessings. You should not oppress the orphan; rather, you should honor and be kind to him. You should not chide the needy, who comes to you and ask you for help; rather, you should be patient with him. He may be ignorant and seek to learn from the knowledge that Allah has granted you, or he may need financial help. No matter what kind of help he needs, you should do your best to help him. You should also proclaim Allah’s blessings on you. You should tell people about Allah’s blessings on you, but without boastfulness or haughtiness. You should also command your followers to be thankful for Allah’s blessings on them. The more you thank Allah for His blessings and proclaim them with gratitude, the more Allah will grant you of His bounties. 

Indeed, Messenger Muhammad obeyed Allah’s command. He used to honor and take care of the orphan. And he used to command his followers to be kind to the orphan and encourage them to be merciful to him by informing them of the great reward awaiting those who honor the orphan. Messenger Muhammad said, ‘I will be with the guardian of an orphan in Paradise like this.’ Then, he raised his forefinger and middle finger by way of illustration. 

Learned Lessons from Surah Ad-Duha Ayah 1-11

Allah, Exalted be He, swears by the forenoon and the night when it grows still that He never forsook nor hated His beloved Messenger and Prophet Muhammad. When the revelation was late, the disbelievers said Allah forsook and hated him. Therefore, Allah revealed these ayat to refute their claim.

Allah gave His Prophet and Messenger good news that his future states would be better than his past ones, and his life in the Hereafter would be better than his life in this world, and that He would give him of His bounties and blessings until he became well-pleased. 

Some of Allah’s blessings on Messenger Muhammad are that He sheltered him, that He revealed to him Islamic Shariah and the Quran, and that He made him rich.

Allah commanded Messenger Muhammad to adhere to virtuous ethics. He commanded him not to oppress the orphan and not chide the needy.

Allah commanded Messenger Muhammad to proclaim Allah’s blessings on him and thank Him for them. 

Muslims should follow in the footsteps of Messenger Muhammad and adhere to virtuous ethics. 

The Noble Quran English Translation of Surah Ad-Duha

English Translation of Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah Ad-Duha

Introduction to Surah Ad-Duha English Translation and Tafsir

English Translation and Tafsir of Surah al-Layl Ayah 1-11 People’s Endeavors Are Diverse

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