Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Noble Quran, Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin Ayah 18-28 The Fate of the Believers


The Holy Quran Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin, English

83:18 No! Indeed, the book of the righteous is in Illiyin; 

83:19 and what shall make you realize what Illiyin is? 

83:20 It is a register, inscribed,

83:21 witnessed by those brought near. 

83:22 Surely, the righteous will be in bliss, 

83:23 on couches, gazing;  

83:24 you will recognize the brightness of bliss on their faces.

83:25 They will be given to drink of wine, sealed; 

83:26 the last thereof is musk; so after that let the strivers strive. 

83:27 And it is mixed with Tasnim, 

83:28 a spring from which those brought near will drink. 

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous parts speak about those who consume people’s rights unlawfully. It mentions that all their deeds are recorded and that their end will be Hell in the Hereafter, where they will suffer a painful torment. Then this part speaks about the obedient believers, referring to their high rank with Allah in the Hereafter. This is a typical method of the Quranic style, which mentions something and its opposite to contrast them to bring home the intended meaning. 


83:18 No! Indeed, the book of the righteous is in Illiyin; 

No! The fate of the believers will not be like the end of the wicked. The deeds of the righteous, who obey Allah’s commands and avoid His prohibitions, will be recorded in a book that will be in Illiyin, a very high place. This is in contrast to the evil end of the wicked disbelievers, which will be in the lowest part of Hell, where they suffer a painful torment. 

83:19 and what shall make you realize what Illiyin is? 

83:20 It is a register, inscribed,

83:21 witnessed by those brought near. 

‘What shall make you realize what Illiyin is?’ The interrogation is to magnify the rank of Illiyin.  

The book on which the deeds of the righteous is recorded will be in the highest and best place. It is clear and can be read easily. When the righteous read it, they will become happy as their righteous deeds are written on it. The scholars mention the following meanings for Illiyin: 1) It is Paradise. 2) It is a wooden board made of aquamarine and hanged under the Throne of Allah. The deeds of the righteous are written on it. 3) It is a book preserved in the seventh heaven. 4) It is a book that is preserved in the highest place. 

After mentioning the opinions of the scholars, Imam Muhammad bin Jarir at-Tabari, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘Allah mentions that the book of the deeds of the righteous is preserved in Illiyin, which means a high place. It may be a place in heaven over another heaven; it may be in the seventh heaven… Since there is no authentic narration that clearly says that it means one of the aforementioned meanings, then it should be said as Allah says in the Quran, namely, the book of the deeds of the righteous is preserved in Illiyin, a very high place. 

Those who are near to Allah, the angels, witness and see the book of the deeds of the righteous. Their acquaintance with the book is evidence that Allah is pleased with the righteous and that He will honor and reward them greatly. 

83:22 Surely, the righteous will be in bliss, 

83:23 on couches, gazing;  

Surely, the righteous will be in lasting bliss, enjoying the reward Allah prepared for them. They will be reclining on couches that are prepared for them. They will be gazing at what brings delight and joy to their hearts. 

83:24 you will recognize the brightness of bliss on their faces.

The brightness and radiance of bliss that the righteous will enjoy in Paradise can be recognized on their faces. 

83:25 They will be given to drink of wine, sealed; 

83:26 the last thereof is musk; so after that let the strivers strive. 

In Paradise, the righteous will be given to drink of wine that is sealed, namely, no hand touches it before the righteous. This wine is excellent and delicious. It is free from intoxicants and whatever thing that may harm the mind. 

The taste of the musk will be the last thing that the righteous will find after drinking from the pure, delicious wine of Paradise, which is the best and the sweetest smell. 

[…so after that let the strivers strive.]

Strive is to make a great effort to get something. So let the strivers strive to attain such bliss and happiness of Paradise, which Allah has promised to give to the righteous. They should do their best to attain it by obeying Allah’s commands and avoiding His prohibitions. 

The intended meaning is to motivate people to do righteous deeds, which will cause them to attain the highest ranks in Paradise. 

83:27 And it is mixed with Tasnim, 

83:28 a spring from which those brought near will drink.

The pure wine of Paradise will be mixed with Tasnim, i.e. spring in Paradise. Tasnim is a verbal noun of sanamah, i.e. to raise something to a high position. It is called so because it originates from a high place or because of its high rank. In other words, the righteous will be given to drink pure, delicious wine that is mixed with the water of Tasnim. However, those who are close to Allah will drink from Tasnim without mixing it with any other drink. 

Learned Lessons from Surah al-Mutaffifin Ayah 18-28

The deeds of the righteous will be written in a book that will be witnessed by angels, who are close to Allah. 

There is a clear difference between the status of the wicked and the righteous. Lowness, darkness, and misery will be the share of the wicked, while highness, brightness, and happiness will be the share of the righteous.

Allah, the generous, will reward the righteous the best reward in Paradise. 

In Paradise, the righteous will be reclining on couches, gazing at pleasures that Allah has prepared for them, and enjoying what the eyes have never seen, the ears have never heard of, and the hearts have never thought about.

Signs of happiness and joy will be seen on the faces of the righteous in Paradise. Their faces will be bright and radiant.

In Paradise, the righteous will be given to drink of pure, delicious wine that will be mixed from Tasnim spring. The wine does not have any negative effect like the wine of worldly life. It will not intoxicate them.

The smell of musk will be the last thing that the righteous will find after drinking from the wine of Paradise.

Those who strive should strive to attain the everlasting bliss of Paradise that Allah has prepared for the righteous.

The Noble Quran, Surah al-Mutaffifin, English Translation

The Noble Quran, Surah ar-Ra’d: Translation and Tafsir 

The Noble Quran, Tafsir ibn Kathir, Surah al-Mutaffifin

The Noble Quran, Tafsir of Surah Hud: Ayah 43, the Flood

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Noble Quran: Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin Ayah 7-17 The fate of the Wicked


The Noble Quran Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin

83:7 No indeed; the book of the wicked is in Sijjin;

83:8 and what shall make you realize what Sijjin is? 

83:9 It is a register, inscribed.

83:10 Woe on that day to the deniers, 

83:11 who deny the Day of Recompense.

83:12 And none denies it but every sinful transgressor. 

83:13 When Our Ayat are recited to him, he says, ‘Fables of the ancients.’

83:14 No! Rather, what they used to earn has covered their hearts. 

83:15 No! Indeed, they will be screened off from their Lord on that day. 

83:16 Then they will surely burn in Hell.

83:17 Then it will be said to them, ‘This is what you used to deny.’

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part mentions that consuming people’s rights unlawfully is a great sin deserving painful torment on the Day of Judgment. Then this part mentions that all deeds of human beings, small or big, are written in records. It also warns those who disbelieve in the resurrection on the Day of Judgment and claim that the Quran that Allah revealed to Messenger Muhammad is fables of the ancients that they will severe severe torment. 


83:7 No indeed; the book of the wicked is in Sijjin;

83:8 and what shall make you realize what Sijjin is? 

83:9 It is a register, inscribed.

‘No indeed.’ This is a severe warning to the defrauders for their sins and cheating people. 

The book of the wicked is in Sijjin.’ The Arabic version used the word ‘fujar translated into the wicked. It means those who violate Allah’s rights and do not fear His punishment. 

The deeds of the wicked will be kept in Sijjin. The scholars differ about the meaning of Sijjin. 1) It is a place on the seventh earth. 2) It is the lowest part of the earth. 3) What is written in the book of deeds of the wicked will cause them loss. 4) Sijjin is a prison. 

Imam Muhammad bin Jarir maintains that Sijjin means a prison. That is because there is a prophet narration to this effect. Abara’, may Allah be pleased with him,  narrated that Messenger Muhammad talks about the soul of the wicked and that it would be taken to heaven. Then he said, ‘They will take it to heaven. Whenever they pass by some angels, they will be asked, ‘Whose soul is this?’ They will say, ‘He is so-and-so, referring to him by the most wicked names that he used to have in the worldly life.’ When they reach the nearest heaven to the earth, they will ask for permission to enter, but they will not be allowed.’ Then Messenger Muhammad recited, [7:40 Indeed, those who reject Our signs and arrogantly turn away from them – the gates of heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter paradise until the camel passes through the eye of the needle; and thus, We recompense the wicked.] Then Allah will say, ‘Write his name in the lowest part of the earth, which is a prison in the lowest earth.’ 

The matter is not as the disbelievers claim, i.e. that there will be no resurrection after death nor reckoning. Rather, the resurrection will certainly take place. All deeds of the wicked, e.g. disbelieving in Allah’s Oneness and consuming people’s rights unlawfully, are written in the record of evil deeds, which is kept in a prison in the lowest part of the earth. 

83:8 and what shall make you realize what Sijjin is? 

The interrogation is to magnify the viciousness of Sijjin. It also implies that the wicked will enter Hell and suffer its painful torment. 

The deeds of the wicked are recorded in a book that does not omit anything and is kept on the lowest earth. Their end will be Hell where they will suffer painful torment. 

83:10 Woe on that day to the deniers, 

83:11 who deny the Day of Recompense.

This is a severe warning to the deniers, who reject to believe in Allah’s Oneness and the resurrection and recompense on the Day of Judgment. They will suffer loss, destruction, and perpetual imprisonment in the lowest part of Hell. 

83:12 And none denies it but every sinful transgressor. 

83:13 When Our Ayat are recited to him, he says, ‘Fables of the ancients.’

The ayat mentions the attributes of the deniers of the Day of Judgment. They are transgressors, overstepping all correct bounds. They are sinful in their statements and deeds. They say that the Quran contains fables of the ancients when they hear it is being recited, namely, they believe that the ayat of the Quran are lies that the ancients wrote in their books and that Messenger Muhammad learned from the books of the ancients. This means that they believe that the Quran is not a divine revelation.  

83:14 No! Rather, what they used to earn has covered their hearts. 

The ayah mentions the cause of the attitude of the deniers of the Day of Judgment towards the Quran, i.e. they describe it as the fables of the ancients. 

The Arabic version used ‘ran’ translated into covered. This word is derived from ar-rayn, namely, rust that forms on iron or steel. Ran means to cover, dominate, and overwhelm. 

The matter is not as the deniers of the Day of Judgment say about the Quran; rather, the cause of their attitude is that disbelief in Allah’s Oneness, stubbornness, and denial that cover, dominate, and overwhelm their hearts. Thus, they become unable to distinguish the truth from falsehood. 

Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that Messenger Muhammad said, ‘When a believer sins, there will be a black spot over his heart. If he repents and seeks Allah’s forgiveness, it will be removed from his heart. If he keeps on sinning, it will keep on increasing until it covers all his heart. That is the ran that Allah mentions in the Quran, [83:14 No! Rather, what they used to earn has covered their hearts.] 

83:15 No! Indeed, they will be screened off from their Lord on that day. 

83:16 Then they will surely burn in Hell.

83:17 Then it will be said to them, ‘This is what you used to deny.’

The ayah mentions what will be the end of the deniers of the Day of Judgment. No! The matter is not as the deniers of the Day of Judgment claim, namely, the Quran is the fables of the ancients. Indeed, they will be screened off from seeing their Lord, Allah, on the Day of Judgment. Imam, ash-Shafi’i, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘This ayah is evidence that the believers will see Allah on the Day of Judgment.’ This is a logical conclusion from the understood meaning of the ayah. Authentic prophetic narrations mention that the believers will see Allah on the Day of Judgment. 

The deniers of the Day of Judgment will suffer painful torment in Hell. They will be reprimanded for their evil deeds and it will be said to them, ‘This is torment you are suffering is what you used to deny in the worldly life and defiantly say that it will not take place. So taste it. You will remain in Hell forever. 

Learned Lessons from Surah al-Mutaffifin Ayah 7-17

The deeds of the wicked disbelievers are recorded in a book. Their end will be in a prison in the lowest part of Hell, suffering painful torment therein.

Only the sinful transgressors who overstep all proper bounds deny the occurrence of the Day of Judgment. They indulge in sinning to the extent that they claim that the Quran that Allah revealed to Messenger Muhammad is fables of the ancients without having any proof. They claim so out of stubbornness and transgression.

The Quran is the speech of Allah that He revealed to Messenger Muhammad, containing the truth. 

The hearts of the deniers of the Day of Judgment are covered with layers of sins that they cannot see the truth and cannot distinguish the truth from falsehood.

The wicked disbelievers will be deprived of seeing Allah on the Day of Judgment, while the believers will enjoy seeing their Lord, Allah, in the Hereafter. 

The wicked disbelievers will be reprimanded for their disbelief in Allah’s Oneness and denial of the occurrence of the Day of Judgment. It will be said to them, ‘Taste the torment of Hell, which you used to deny in the worldly life.’

The Noble Quran, Surah al-Mutaffifin, English Translation

Towards understanding the Quran, Surah al-Mutaffifin

The Noble Quran, Tafsir of Surah Hud, Allah Will Never Forsake the Believers



Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Noble Quran, Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin Ayah 1-6 Warning to the Defrauders


The Noble Quran Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin

83:1 Woe to the defrauders! 

83:2 Those who take full measure when they buy from people, 

83:3 and when they measure or weigh for them, they give less than due.

83:4 Do they not think that they will be resurrected

83:5 on a great day,  

83:6 the day when people will stand before the Lord of the worlds?


Abdul Allah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him said, ‘When Messenger Muhammad came to al-Madinah, its inhabitants were the worst people concerning giving people less than their dues when dealing. Then surah al-Mutaffifin was revealed and then they began to give people their rights and not cheat them. 

83:1 Woe to the defrauders! 

The Arabic version says, ‘Waylun lilmutaffifin.’ Waylun is a word that indicates severe warning and destruction. Al-Mutaffifin is the plural of mutaffif, which is derived from tafif, i.e. a trivial thing as the amount taken from people’s rights is insignificant no matter how great it may be. Tafafa means to give less than due when weighing. In other words, the ayah threatens the defrauders with destruction and loss. 

 83:2 Those who take full measure when they buy from people, 

83:3 and when they measure or weigh for them, they give less than due.

The defrauders take full measure when they buy from people. However, when they measure or weigh for people, they give them less than their dues. This shows their corruption and deviation. They do not accept being cheated, but they allow themselves to consume people’s rights unlawfully and they do not consider that wrong. 

In sum, destruction and painful torment will be for the defrauders. They consume people’s rights unlawfully when they deal with people in selling and the like transactions, but they insist on taking their rights in full when they buy from people. 

83:4 Do they not think that they will be resurrected

83:5 on a great day,  

83:6 the day when people will stand before the Lord of the worlds?

The interrogation is for astonishment at the behavior of the defrauders. They act as if they will not be punished for consuming people’s rights unlawfully. 

The defrauders reach a great degree of indifference that they do not fear the reckoning and punishment in the Hereafter. They do not think that painful torment will befall them for consuming people’s rights unlawfully on the Day of Judgment when people will stand before Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Allah will call them to account for their cheat and recompense them justly. 

The Day of Judgment is described as a great day because of its grave horrors. Indeed, Allah is the Lord of the worlds. His wisdom and justice necessitate that the sinners must be punished for their sins. 

Confronting the evil practice of cheating in dealings in the Quran indicates that Islam is a comprehensive religion that seeks to tackle all life problems, whether religious or mundane matters. 

Learned Lessons from Surah al-Mutaffifin Ayah 1-6

It is prohibited to consume people’s rights unlawfully whether by giving them less than their dues when selling to them or any other means. 

Consuming people’s rights unlawfully deserves painful torment in the Hereafter.

Consuming people’s rights unlawfully is a vice that makes people shun its perpetrator and avoid dealing with him.

Those who consume people’s rights unlawfully are indifferent to the fact that they will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment for the reckoning. Their conduct indicates that they are not afraid of standing before Allah, the Lord of worlds, Who will recompense them for their sins. 

The Noble Quran, Surah al-Muttaffifin, English Translation

Towards Understanding the Quran, Surah al-Mutaffifin

Tafsir of Surah Ibrahim Ayah: 42-46 Warning to the Wrongdoers

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Noble Quran, Introduction to Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin

The Noble Quran Tafsir of Surah al-Mutaffifin

Name of Surah al-Mutaffifin

This surah is called al-Mutaffifin because it begins by ‘Waylun lilmutaffifin’ translated into ‘83:1 Woe to the defrauders! 
The defrauders are people who give less than due when selling to people; however, they demand full measurement when buying from people, which indicates their corruption as they cheat people, but do not accept to be cheated. Thus, they deserve severe warning and painful torment in the Hereafter. That is because they consume people’s rights unlawfully, which is a grave sin.
The scholars differ about where this surah was revealed, whether in Mecca or al-Madinah. Their opinions can be summarized as follows: 1) It was revealed in Mecca. 2) It was revealed in al-Madinah. 3) It was revealed on the road between Mecca and al-Madinah. 
Surah al-Mutaffifin discusses topics that are usually mentioned in Meccy surahs, such as speaking about the wicked, the Day of Judgment, and the opinions of the disbelievers on the Quran, which indicates that it might be revealed in Mecca. 
Surah al-Mutaffifin contains thirty-six ayah and it is surah number eighty-three according to the arrangement of the written copy of the Quran, al-Mushaf. 

Main Theme of Surah al-Mutaffifin

The surah focuses on economic corruption and the severe punishment that is prepared for those who consume people’s rights unlawfully.

Relationship between Surah al-Infitar and al-Mutaffifin

In Surah al-Infitar, Allah says, interpretation of the meaning, [82:19 The day when no soul shall possess anything for another soul and the command on that day shall belong to Allah.] This indicates a severe warning to the wicked. Then surah al-Mutaffifin says, [83:1 Woe to the defrauders!] This is a warning of giving people less than their dues and consuming their rights unlawfully.
Both surahs mention some of the horrors of the Day of Judgment. Besides, surah al-Infitar mentions that there are angelic watchers over human beings, who write their deeds, [82:10 Indeed, there are over you watchers, noble, writers who know what you do.] Then surah al-Mutaffifin mentions that what the angels write is preserved in a book that does not omit anything. [83:20 It is a register, inscribed…] 
Both surahs mention that people will be divided into two parties: the righteous who will enter Paradise, and the wicked who will enter Hell. Surah al-Mutaffifin mentions an example of the wicked deeds of the disobedient, i.e. cheating people and consuming their rights unlawfully. 

Topics Discussed in Surah al-Mutaffifin

Surah al-Mutaffifin discusses topics related to the creed. It also refers to some social ethics, such as giving people less than their dues when dealing with them.
The surah mentions a severe warning to those who cheat people when dealing with them.
The surah mentions that the deeds of the wicked will be recorded in the book of evil and that their end will be Hell.
The surah mentions that the deeds of the righteous will be recorded in the book of good deeds and that their end will be Paradise.
The surah mentions the attitude of the disbelievers towards the believers in the worldly life. They used to ridicule them because they believed in Allah’s Oneness and His Messengers. However, in the Hereafter, the revers will happen. The believers will laugh at the disbelievers who will be suffering from the torment of Hell. 

The Noble Quran, Surah al-Mutaffifin, English Translation
The Noble Quran, Tafsir ibn Kathir, Surah al-Mutaffifin
The Noble Quran, Introduction to Tafsir of Surah Abasa ‘the Frowned’

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Noble Quran, Tafsir of Surah al-Infitar [Part 2]

The Noble Quran Tafsir of Surah al-Infitar

82:9 No! Yet you deny the Recompense. 

82:10 Indeed, there are over you watchers 

82:11 noble, writers 

82:12 who know what you do.

The ayah refers to man’s conceit and vanity as he disbelieves in the Day of Judgment. 

O people, no! There is no valid reason for being deceived by Allah’s bounties on you that you disobey His commands. Your disbelief in the Day of Judgment and Recompense makes you disbelieve in Allah’s Oneness and follow the path of misguidance. You must not be deceived by Allah’s bounty on you; rather, you must worship Him alone and thank Him for His blessings. 

O people, there are watchers over you. They are noble angels who write and know all your deeds. 

The intended meaning is to confirm that the Day of Judgment will take place, that all people’s deeds are written by noble angels, who know all their deeds, and that they will be recompensed for their deeds on the Day of Judgment. 

It should be noted that it is obligatory to believe in the fact that the noble angels write people’s deeds. However, how this process takes place, where the deeds are written, and when the writing takes place are matters that must be believed in just as they have been mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah of Messenger Muhammad without attempting to find out information that is not mentioned in authentic sources. 

82:13 Surely, the righteous will be in bliss, 

82:14 and the wicked will be in Hellfire

82:15 burning therein on the Day of Recompense, 

82:16 and they will never be absent from it.

This part mentions the results of writing the deeds of people. On the Day of Judgment, the righteous who obey Allah’s commands and avoid His prohibitions will be in bliss in Paradise, enjoying the everlasting reward therein. On the other hand, the wicked will be in Hellfire, burning therein and suffering from its everlasting torment. They will never be absent from Hellfire; rather they will remain therein forever. 

82:17 And what shall make you realize what the Day of Recompense is?

82:18 Again, what shall make you realize what the Day of Recompense is?

82:19 The day when no soul shall possess anything for another soul and the command on that day shall belong to Allah. 

‘And what shall make you realize…’ The interrogation is to magnify the Day of Judgment and indicate that it is a great day. 

What shall make you realize what the Day of Recompense is? Again, what shall make you realize what the Day of Recompense is? Allah alone knows the great horrors of that day. He has informed people through His Messengers of some of the terrors that will take place then. 

On the Day of Judgment, no soul shall possess anything for another soul. It cannot benefit another soul. The only beneficial thing on that day is righteous deeds. Command and decision will be only for Allah on the Day of Judgment. No creature can have any authority then. 

Learned Lessons from Surah al-Infitar

Surah al-Infitar mentions some events that will take place before the occurrence of the Day of Judgment. After blowing in the Trumpet, all that in the universe will die, and then after the second blowing all creatures will be gathered for the reckoning.

Warning of evil practices that one leaves after death. Their evil consequences will be written against their doer even after his death.

Warning of deceit and following the path of Satan and his followers.

Warning of disbelief in the Day of Judgment, which is of the greatest evils and corruption on earth and the greatest reasons for deserving punishment on the Day of Judgment.

Confirming that all deeds of people will be written and they will be recompensed for them in the Hereafter.

Noble angels write all deeds of human beings.

On the Day of Judgment, people will be divided into two groups; a group that will be in Paradise, enjoying its pleasures, and the other will be in Hellfire, suffering its painful torment.

The Day of Judgment is great and its horrors are frightening. 

On the Day of Judgment, only belief in Allah’s Oneness and righteous deeds are beneficial. Command and decision will be only for Allah then. 

The Noble Quran, Tafsir of Surah al-Infitar [Part 1]

The Noble Quran, Surah al-Infitar, English Translation

The Noble Quran, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Surah al-Infitar

The Noble Quran Surah Hud : Translation and Tafsir