Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Eagerness of Messenger Muhammad to Memorize the Quran ‘Tafsir Surah Al-Qiyamah’


Learn Tafsir Surah Al-Qiyamah

The Noble Quran English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah 

Ayah 16-25

75:16 Move not your tongue with it to hasten with it. 

75:17 Surely upon Us is to collect it and to recite it. 

75:18 Then, when We have recited it to you, follow its recitation.

75:19 Then, surely upon Us is to explain it.

75:20 No! Truly you love the fleeting world,

75:21 and leave the Hereafter. 

75:22 Some faces on that day shall be radiant, 

75:23 looking at their Lord. 

75:24 And some faces on that day shall be gloomy, 

75:25 expecting that a calamity is about to fall on them. 

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part mentions the conditions of the disbeliever, who turns away from the signs of Allah and disobeys His commands, not fearing His severe punishment. Then, this part mentions the conditions of the believer, namely, Messenger Muhammad, who was eager to memorize the noble Quran and did his best to convey it to people to save them from the darkness of ignorance and guide them to the straight path leading to happiness in the life of this world and the Hereafter.


75:16 Move not your tongue with it to hasten with it. 

75:17 Surely upon Us is to collect it and to recite it. 

75:18 Then, when We have recited it to you, follow its recitation.

75:19 Then, surely upon Us is to explain it.

Abdul Allah Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, said, ‘Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] used to hasten to memorize the Quran when he received the revelation. Then, Allah said to him, 75:16 Move not your tongue with it to hasten with it. 75:17 Surely upon Us is to collect it and to recite it.’ 

Ad-Dahak, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘75:16 Move not your tongue with it to hasten with it. Prophet Muhammad used to move his tongue with the revelation when receiving it lest he should forget it.’ 

O noble Messenger, do not hasten with the recitation of the Quran when receiving the revelation from the angel Gabriel to memorize it. You should listen and wait until he finishes its recitation. Then, you can recite it. It is Our responsibility to collect it in your breast. Thus, you should follow the recitation of the Quran as the angel Gabriel reads it to you and not hasten to memorize it. Surely, it is upon Us to explain and clarify whatever thing you need to understand from the meanings of the Quran. 

Qatada, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘75:18 Then, when We have recited it to you, follow its recitation. Follow its lawful rules and avoid its unlawful rules.’ 

In sum, Allah, Exalted be He, guarantees that He will collect the Quran in the breast of Prophet Muhammad, makes it easy for him to memorize it, and clarifies and explains whatever thing of the meanings of the Quran that Messenger Muhammad needs to understand. 

75:20 No! Truly you love the fleeting world,

75:21 and leave the Hereafter. 

The ayah reveals the natural disposition of many people, namely, they favor the world of this life with its fleeting pleasures over the Hereafter and its lasting pleasures. This characteristic is criticized as it denotes a weak understanding and a short-sighted attitude. 

O people, no! The matter is not as you claim that you will not be resurrected for reckoning and recompense on the Day of Judgment.  Truly, you love the fleeting life of this world and leave the lasting life of the Hereafter. Not performing righteous deeds that will benefit you in the Hereafter and concentrating on enjoying the pleasures of the life of this world are wrong conducts. The right course of action is to enjoy the life of this world, but at the same time perform righteous deeds that will benefit you in the Hereafter. 

28:77 And seek by means of Allah has given you the Last Abode, and do not forget your portion of the present world. And do good as Allah has done good to you, and do not seek to make mischief in the earth. Surely, does not love the mischief-makers. 

Then, surah Al-Qiyamah speaks about the conditions of the happy and miserable people on the Day of Judgment. 

75:22 Some faces on that day shall be radiant, 

75:23 looking at their Lord. 

On the Day of Judgment on which the sight will dazzle, the moon will eclipse, and the sun and the moon will brought together, some faces shall be radiant because of the happiness and joy that they will be experiencing. They are the faces of the believers, who believe in the Oneness of Allah and obey His commands in the worldly life. These faces will be happy as they look at their Lord in Paradise. 

The people of as-Sunnah wal-Jammaah, namely, sincere followers of the method of Prophet Muhammad and his followers, believe that the believers will see Allah, Exalted be He, on the Day of Judgment in the manner that befits His majesty.

Abdul Allah Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, reported, ‘Messenger Muhammad said, ‘The person, who will have the lowest rank among the inhabitants of Paradise, will be looking at his kingdom for a distance that is equal to two thousand years. And the best one of them as to his rank is a person, who will look at the face of Allah, Exalted be He, two times every day.’ Then, he recited, [75:22 Some faces on that day shall be radiant,] They will be white and serene. [75:23 looking at their Lord.] They will look at the face of Allah, Exalted be He.’ 

The fact that the believers will see Allah on the Day of Judgment is confirmed by authentic narrations. Jarir Ibn Abdul Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: We were with Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]. Then, he looked at the moon, which was a full moon. Then, he said, ‘Surely, you will see your Lord [in the Hereafter] as you see this moon. And you will have no trouble to see Him.’ 

75:24 And some faces on that day shall be gloomy, 

75:25 expecting that a calamity is about to fall on them. 

After mentioning the happy and comfortable conditions of the believers on the Day of Judgment, the miserable conditions of the disbelievers are mentioned.

On the Day of Judgment, the faces of the disbelievers and wrongdoers shall be gloomy. They shall be expecting that a calamity is about to fall on them.

Learned Lessons from Surah Al-Qiyamah Ayah 16-25

One of the etiquettes of seeking knowledge is that the student should not interrupt the teacher before the latter finishes the points he explains. Then, he can ask him about what he does not understand. 

The student should give support or oppose a point before the teacher finishes his explanation so that he can fully understand the matter and then he decides what course of action he should follow.

Allah, Exalted be He, has guaranteed that He will preserve the Quran, which has happened. The Quran text is preserved by writing and memorization.

Allah, Exalted be He, has guaranteed for His Prophet Muhammad that He would make him easily memorize and recite the Quran, and understand its meanings and rules.

Haste makes waste in all matters, whether in temporal or religious matters. 

The life of this world is fleeting and the life of the Hereafter is lasting. Thus, the believer should do his best to attain the pleasures of the Hereafter without neglecting the present life.

The disbelievers deny reckoning and recompense on the Day of Judgment because they favor the life of this world over the Hereafter, which causes them to fail to be prepared for the Hereafter.

The believers will see Allah, Exalted be He, on the Day of Judgment. On the other hand, the disbelievers will be deprived of seeing Allah on that day.

The faces of the believers will be happy and radiant on the Day of Judgment, while the faces of the disbelievers will be miserable and gloomy.

English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah 

Learn English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Quraysh

The Noble Quran Juz Tabarak English Translation and Tafsir Kindle Edition

English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah Ayah 1-15 The Day of Judgment Will Come

Recitation of Surah Al-Qiyamah by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy | مشاري بن راشد العفاسي | سورة القيامة

Saturday, March 2, 2024

English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah Ayah 1-15 The Day of Judgment Will Come


Quran Surah Al-Qiyamah Tafsir

English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah Ayah 1-15 

75:1 I do swear by the Day of Resurrection. 

75:2 And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul.

75:3 Does man think that We shall not gather his bones?

75:4 Yes, We are able to shape again his fingers. 

75:5 Nay! Man wants to go on sinning. 

75:6 He asks, ‘When shall be the Day of Resurrection?’

75:7 Then, when the sight is dazzled, 

75:8 and the moon is eclipsed, 

75:9 and the sun and the moon are brought together,

75:10 man shall say on that day, ‘Whither to flee?’

75:11 No! There is no refuge. 

75:12 To your Lord on that day shall be the end.

75:13 Man shall be told on that day what he forwarded and deferred.

75:14 Nay! Man is evidence against himself, 

75:15 even though he puts forth his excuses. 


75:1 I do swear by the Day of Resurrection. 

75:2 And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul.

Allah, Exalted be He, swears by the Day of Judgment to emphasize that it will certainly take place. Allah, Exalted be He, can swear by whatever thing of the creatures, but the created being can swear only by Allah. 

Allah, Exalted be He, swears also by the self-reproaching soul that always reproaches itself for its underperformance concerning fulfilling its obligations towards Allah. 

The self-reproaching soul always blames itself concerning its past deeds. When it does good deeds, it will say, ‘Why do not I do more righteous deeds?’ and when it does fewer sins, it will say, ‘Why do not I do fewer and fewer sins?’ There are three types of souls: the soul that is at peace, which is always reassured by remembering Allah and obeying His commands, the evil-inciting soul, which incites to do evil deeds, and the self-reproaching soul, which blames itself for doing evil deeds and not doing more and more righteous deeds.

In sum, Allah, swears by the Day of Judgment and the self-reproaching soul that the Day of Judgment will certainly take place and people will be recompensed for their deeds on that day. 

Al-Hassan Al-Basri, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘75:2 And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul. By Allah, the believer always blames himself. He says, ‘What did I mean by saying such and such word? What did I mean by eating such and such food? What did I want by having such and such self-talk? And the evildoer will live his life without blaming himself.’ 

75:3 Does man think that We shall not gather his bones?

75:4 Yes, We are able to shape again his fingers. 

The interrogation is for criticism and reproach.

Does man think that Allah will not be able to gather his bones and return them to their former condition after their disintegration? Such belief is untrue. Indeed, Allah will gather the bones of man and return them to their former condition after their disintegration on the Day of Judgment when Allah will gather all creatures for reckoning and recompense.

Indeed, Allah, Exalted be He, is able to shape again the smallest parts of man such as his fingers, and return them to their former condition. And He is able to shape again all other parts of man no matter how big or small they may be. 

The bones refer to the bodies of human beings because they provide shape and support for the body. The disbelievers consider returning the bodies to their former condition after their integration improbable. Allah, Exalted be He, says, interpretation of the meaning:

36:78 And he has presented for Us a similitude and forgotten his creation; he says, ‘Who shall give life to the bones when they are decayed?’ 

36:79 Say, ‘He shall give life to them Who created them the first time; He knows all creation.’

In other words, Allah, Exalted be He, swears by the Day of Judgment, which will certainly take place, and the self-reproaching soul, which always blames itself for doing evil deeds, and not doing more and more righteous deeds that He will gather the bones of people on the Day of Judgment and resurrect them for reckoning and recompense. 

75:5 Nay! Man wants to go on sinning. 

75:6 He asks, ‘When shall be the Day of Resurrection?’

The ayah portrays an example of tyranny and immorality of the disbelievers. 

The disbeliever not only denies the occurrence of the Day of Judgment, but also insistently wants to go on sinning. He mockingly asks, ‘when shall be the Day of Judgment? You, o believers, claim that it shall come and fear reckoning and recompense on that day. If you are truthful, when will this day come?

Indeed, the condition of the disbeliever is strange. He is not only satisfied with his denial of the Day of Judgment, but also goes on sinning as if he will never die. This indicates how extremely the disbeliever insists on following the path of misguidance. 

 Ad-Dahak, may Allah have mercy on him said, ‘75:5 Nay! Man wants to go on sinning. This is false hope. Man hopes; he says, ‘I shall live and attain such and such in life of this world.’ And he does not remember death.’ 

In sum, disbelief in the occurrence of the Day of Judgment causes two suspicions: 1) The disbeliever thinks that the resurrecting of the dead after their bodies disintegrated for reckoning on the Day of Judgment is far-fetched. 2) The disbeliever goes on sinning in the life of this world without fearing punishment for his sins.

75:7 Then, when the sight is dazzled, 

75:8 and the moon is eclipsed, 

75:9 and the sun and the moon are brought together,

75:10 man shall say on that day, ‘Whither to flee?’

The ayat mention some of the signs and horrors of the Day of Judgment to warn the disbelievers of the severe punishment awaiting them on that day. 

The sight of man will dazzle when seeing the horrors of the Day of Judgment; the moon will eclipse and the sun and the moon will be brought together and their light will disappear on the Day of Judgment. Thus, there will be no night nor day and the system of the universe will change. When these things happen, man will be astonished and say, ‘Whither to flee? Is there any refuge to protect me from the horrors of the Day of the Reckoning and the severe punishment of the Day of Judgment? 

75:11 No! There is no refuge. 

75:12 To your Lord on that day shall be the end.

Man’s hope to find a refuge to which he can flee from the punishment of Allah will fail. 

No! There is no refuge for man to protect him from the horrors of the Day of Judgment. No matter how long man will remain in the life of this world, he will die; no matter how long man will stay in his grave, he will be resurrected for reckoning and recompense for his deeds. Verily, man will return to his Lord, Allah, on the Day of Judgment and he will be recompensed for all his deeds, good or evil. 

75:13 Man shall be told on that day what he forwarded and deferred.

On the Day of Judgment, man will be told about all his deeds that he forwarded and deferred. He will be told about the righteous and evil deeds that he did in the worldly life and recompensed justly according to them. 

Abdul Allah Ibn Abbas, may Allah have mercy on them, said, ‘75:13 Man shall be told on that day what he forwarded and deferred. Man will be told about the sins that he did and the righteous deeds that he failed to do.’ 

After mentioning the opinions of the scholars about the meaning of the forwarded and deferred deeds, Imam Muhammad Ibn Jarir At-Tabari said, ‘Man will be told about all his deeds in the worldly life, good or evil, and the deeds that left behind him, which people imitate him after his death, good or evil. He will also be told about the deeds that he forwarded, good or evil, and the deeds that he failed to do. Allah, Exalted be He, has not specified particular deeds to the exclusion of others. Thus, man will be told about all these deeds on the Day of Judgment.’ 

75:14 Nay! Man is evidence against himself, 

75:15 even though he puts forth his excuses. 

Nay! Man is evidence against himself and a witness against himself. He knows all evil deeds that he committed in the worldly life. Nothing will benefit and save him even if he puts forth his excuses. 

The intended meaning is that man cannot flee from the consequences of his deeds no matter how hard he tries. His limbs will testify against him and his excuses will be rejected because they came too late. 

Abdul Allah Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, said, ‘75:14 Nay! Man is evidence against himself, Man’s hearing, sight, hands, feet, and all his organs will testify against him.’ 

Learned Lessons from Surah Al-Qiyamah Ayah 1-15 

Allah, Exalted be He, swears by the Day of Judgment to magnify it, and He also swears by the self-reproaching soul, which blames itself for not doing more righteous deeds and avoiding sins. Allah, Exalted be He, can swear by whatever thing of the creatures, but the created being can only swear by Allah.

The relationship between the Day of Judgment and the self-reproaching soul is that the Day of Judgment will be established to reveal the conditions of the self-reproaching soul. Will it be happy or miserable? 

The Day of Judgment will certainly take place. Allah will resurrect people and bring them out from their graves for reckoning and recompense on that day.

The disbeliever in the occurrence of the Day of Judgment keeps on sinning without fearing the evil consequences of his evil deeds.

The landmarks of the universe will change when the Day of Judgment takes place. The moon will eclipse and the sun and the moon will brought together, and their light will disappear. 

When the Day of Judgment takes place, man will dazzle as he sees and experiences the horrors of that day.

When the Day of Judgment takes place, man will not find any refuge that can protect him from the punishment of Allah if he disobeys His commands in the worldly life.

All creatures will return to Allah for reckoning and recompense on the Day of Judgment, and they will be recompensed according to their deeds, good or evil.

Man will be told about his deeds on the Day of Judgment whether they were good or evil.

Man is a sufficient witness against himself. If he denies his wrongdoings, his limbs will testify against him, and he will find no excuse to save himself from the punishment of Allah if he disobeys the commands of Allah. 

The Noble Quran English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Qiyamah

#11 Surah Qiyamah Explained || Tafsir Juz Tabarak || Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble #amau

Tafsir of Surah Al-Qiyamah 

The Noble Quran Surah an-Nahl English Translation and Tafsir Kindle Edition


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Introduction to English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah

Introduction to Tafsir Surah Al-Qiyamah

 Learn Introduction to English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah

Name of  Surah Al-Qiyamah 

This surah is called Al-Qiyamah because it begins with an oath about al-Qiyamah, namely, the Day of Judgment. The oath is to magnify the Day of Judgment and confirm that it will certainly take place at the time that Allah has assigned for its occurrence.

Surah Al-Qiyamah was revealed in Makkah. It contains forty ayahs. 

Relationship between Surah between Surah Al-Mudathir and Al-Qiyamah 

At the end of surah Al-Mudathir, the Hereafter is mentioned by referring to the fact that the disbelievers deny it and do not fear the punishment that will take place then.  74:53 No! But, they do not fear the Hereafter. Then, surah Al-Qiyamah confirms that the Day of Judgment will take place and mentions some of its horrors. It also mentions what happens to man at the time of his death, how Allah, Exalted be He, created man, and that He can give life to the dead.

Most Important Topics Discussed in Surah Al-Qiyamah

The theme of surah Al-Qiyamah is the same as the themes of surah that were revealed in Makkah. It focuses on confirming the occurrence of the Day of Judgment and reckoning on that Day. It also refers to some matters that will happen before man’s life ends and how Allah created man in the first place.

Surah Al-Qiyamah begins with swearing by the Day of Judgment and the self-reproaching soul to confirm the occurrence of the Day of Judgment and refute the claims of the deniers of its occurrence.

75:1 I do swear by the Day of Resurrection. 

75:2 And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul.

75:6 He asks, ‘When shall be the Day of Resurrection?’

Then, Allah, Exalted be He, mentions some signs of the Day of Judgment and that it will certainly take place.

75:7 Then, when the sight is dazzled, 

75:8 and the moon is eclipsed, 

75:12 To your Lord on that day shall be the end.

75:13 Man shall be told on that day what he forwarded and deferred.

75:14 Nay! Man is evidence against himself, 

Then, Allah, Exalted be He, commanded Messenger Muhammad not to try to memorize the Quran while receiving its revelation from the angel Gabriel, and He reassured him that He, Exalted be He, would take care of making him know the Quran by heart and clarifying its meanings to him.

 75:16 Move not your tongue with it to hasten with it. 

75:17 Surely upon Us is to collect it and to recite it. 

75:18 Then, when We have recited it to you, follow its recitation.

75:19 Then, surely upon Us is to explain it.

Then, Allah, Exalted be He, condemns those who love the life of this world, which is fleeting to the exclusion of the Hereafter, which is permanent. Allah, Exalted be He, also mentions that people will be divided into two parties, namely the people of happiness, namely, the believers, and the people of misery, namely, the disbelievers.

75:20 No! Truly you love the fleeting world,

75:21 and leave the Hereafter. 

75:22 Some faces on that day shall be radiant, 

75:23 looking at their Lord. 

75:24 And some faces on that day shall be gloomy, 

Finally, surah Al-Qiyamah is concluded by mentioning tangible and realistic proof confirming that the Day of Judgment will occur, namely, creating man from nothing. Logically, recreation is easier than creating in the first place. 

75:36 Does man think that he will be left aimless?

75:37 Was he not a drop of sperm emitted? 

75:38 Then, he became a clot; then He created in due proportion. 

75:39 Then, He made of him the pair, the male and female. 

English Translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah 

The Recompense of the People of the Right and the People of the Left

The Noble Quran Surah Jonah English Translation and Tafsir Kindle Edition

Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Recompense of the People of the Right and the People of the Left



The Noble Quran English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Muddathir Ayah 38-56 

The Recompense of the People of the Right and the People of the Left

74:38 Every soul is pledged for what it has earned, 

74:39 save the people of the Right, 

74:40 in Gardens, asking one another 

74:41 about the evil-doers,

74:42 ‘What led you into Saqar?’

74:43 They shall say, ‘We were not of those who prayed,

74:44 and we fed not the needy,

74:45 and we used to engage in vain talks with vain talkers, 

74:46 and we used to deny the Day of Judgment, 

74:47 until the Certain came to us.’

74:48 Then, the intercession of the intercessors shall not avail them.

74:49 Then, what is the matter with them that they turn away from the Reminder,

74:50 as if they were startled asses 

74:51 that fled from a lion?

74:52 Rather, every person of them wants to be given pages, spread.

74:53 No! But, they do not fear the Hereafter.

74:54 No! Indeed, it is a Reminder.

74:55 Then, whoever wills shall remember it.

74:56 And they do not remember, except that Allah wills; He is worthy to be feared and worthy to forgive.

Relationship with the Previous Part

Allah, Exalted be He, warns the disbelievers of His severe punishment in Hell in the previous part. He also informs them that the only path of salvation is believing in His Oneness and performing righteous deeds for His sake. Then, the following part emphasizes the purport of the previous part. It mentions that those who believe in the Oneness of Allah will be saved from Hell and its severe torment and the disbelievers will enter Hell and suffer its lasting torment.


74:38 Every soul is pledged for what it has earned, 

74:39 save the people of the Right, 

74:40 in Gardens, asking one another 

74:41 about the evil-doers,

Every soul will be pledged for what it has earned of deeds. It will not be set free until it fulfills the rights and penalties that it is required to give save the people of the right, namely, the sincere believers. They have set themselves free by obeying the commands of Allah and avoiding His prohibitions. They will be in Paradise and enjoy its lasting happiness. They will ask one another about the conditions of the evildoers, who wrong themselves by disobeying the commands of Allah. 

Abdul Allah Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him said, ‘74:38 Every soul is pledged for what it has earned, 74:39 save the people of the Right,] Every soul will be called to account for its deeds.’

74:40 in Gardens, asking one another 

74:41 about the evil-doers,

74:42 ‘What led you into Saqar?’

The people of the right, who believe in the Oneness of Allah and obey His commands, will ask one another about the conditions of the evildoers. When they see the evildoers in Hell, they will ask them, ‘What led you into Saqar?’ The inquiry is for reprimand and rebuke. Saqar is one of the names of Hell. 

74:43 They shall say, ‘We were not of those who prayed,

74:44 and we fed not the needy,

74:45 and we used to engage in vain talks with vain talkers, 

74:46 and we used to deny the Day of Judgment, 

74:47 until the Certain came to us.’

When the believers, the people of the right, asked the evildoers, the dwellers of Hell, about what caused them to enter it, they said, ‘We were not of those who pray the obligatory prayer, we were not of those who feed the needy, we used to engage in vain talks with vain talkers, and we used to deny the occurrence of the Day of Judgment until the certain event of death, which made us certain that what we used to deny would take certainly has come.’

The evildoers entering Hell and suffering its severe punishment is a just penalty for their sins. They refuse to perform the obligatory prayer, reject feeding the needy, speak false speech intentionally, and deny the occurrence of the Day of Judgment. 

74:48 Then, the intercession of the intercessors shall not avail them.

The intercession of the intercessors will not avail the wrongdoers, who wrong themselves by disobeying the commands of Allah. No one will intercede with Allah on their behalf. Intercession of the intercessors among the angels, the Prophets of Allah, and the righteous will only avail the believers, who believe in the Oneness of Allah. 

74:49 Then, what is the matter with them that they turn away from the Reminder,

74:50 as if they were startled asses 

74:51 that fled from a lion?

The interrogation is for astonishment at the insistence of the disbelievers on disbelieving in the Oneness of Allah and turning away from the path of guidance.

The Reminder is the Quran and its guidance and noble teachings. 

What is the matter with the disbelievers, who refuse to believe in the Oneness of Allah and deny the occurrence of the Day of Judgment? Why do they insist on turning away from the Quran though its guidance and teachings will lead them to salvation in the worldly life and the Hereafter? The disbelievers turn away from the Quran and its guidance as if they were startled assess that fled from a lion. They act as if they run away from a danger though the truth is that they run away from what will bring them happiness in the life of this world and the Hereafter and throw themselves in the abyss of destruction and loss. Indeed, the disbelievers do not have any logical reason as turn away from the truth and the path of guidance. 

74:52 Rather, every person of them wants to be given pages, spread.

The disbelievers believe that the admonitions of the Quran are not sufficient, and they want that every person of them to be given spread pages to be able to read that Allah has commanded them to obey Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him]. 

Their attitude proves that they are arrogant and refuse to follow the right path out of stubbornness since Messenger Muhammad has brought them sufficient proof confirming that he is the Messenger of Allah.

Qatada, may Allah be pleased with him, said, ‘[74:52 Rather, every person of them wants to be given pages, spread.] Some people said, ‘O Muhammad, if you want that we follow your religion, you should bring books to every one of us in which we are commanded to follow you.’ 

74:53 No! But, they do not fear the Hereafter.

This is a criticism and a refutation of the disbelievers’ position. No! The matter is not as the disbelievers claim; rather, they do not fear the Hereafter and they do not believe in the occurrence of the Day of Judgment and reckoning on that day. If they fear the Hereafter, they will not want that everyone should be given a record. 

74:54 No! Indeed, it is a Reminder.

74:55 Then, whoever wills shall remember it.

No! Indeed, the matter is not as the disbelievers claim about the noble Quran when they say it is magic and the speech of a human being. Verily, the noble Quran is a reminder that Allah revealed to His creatures to remind them of the truth and guide them to the right path. The Quran contains guidance that guides man to what brings him happiness in the life of this world and the Hereafter. Then, whoever wills shall remember it and learn from its lessons and teachings. Verily, the Quran is easy, and complying with its commands and teachings is easy for whoever wants to benefit from its guidance. 

In other words, O people, if you are truthful, determined, and prepared to benefit from the guidance of the Quran, go ahead without any delay. 

74:56 And they do not remember, except that Allah wills; He is worthy to be feared and worthy to forgive.

Whoever wills shall remember and benefit from the lessons and admonitions of the Quran, but this remembrance will not take place save by the will of Allah. Allah, Exalted be He, is worthy to be feared by avoiding prohibitions and He is worthy to forgive the sins of those who obey His commands and seek His forgiveness.  

In other words, benefiting from the guidance of the Quran will not occur save by the will of Allah because He is the Creator and everything in this universe is under His control. The will of the created beings has no value save by the will of Allah. 

Learned Lessons from Surah Al-Muddathir Ayah 38-56

Every soul will be called to account for its deeds in the worldly life and recompensed according to them, good or evil.

Every soul can save itself from the punishment of Allah by believing in His Oneness and performing righteous deeds for His sake.

The people of the right, the believers in the Oneness of Allah, will be saved from Hell and its lasting torment.

Paradise will be the dwelling of the believers in Hereafter. They will enjoy lasting happiness therein.

Denying the occurrence of the Day of Judgment is a great sin, which causes the deniers to lose. 

Not performing the obligatory prayer, not giving the zakat, and engaging in false talks are great sins.

Intercession will not be given to those who die as disbelievers.

Weak belief in the resurrection on the Day of Judgment causes man to deviate from the right path.

Allah, Exalted be He, is the only God who deserves to be feared, and He is the One who can forgive the sins of the sinners. Thus, He should be feared and sought His forgiveness.

The Noble Quran Surah Al-Muddathir English Translation 

Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah Al-Muddathir English Translation 

The Keepers of Hell

Tafsir of Surah Ibrahim Ayah: 13-18 The Disbelievers’ Fate

The Noble Quran Juz Tabarak English Translation and Tafsir Kindle Edition

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Keepers of Hell



English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Muddathir Ayah 31-37 

The Keepers of Hell

74:31 And We have not made the keepers of Hell but angels. And We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve, that those who have been given the Book should become certain and those who believe should increase in faith. And those who have been given the Book and the believers may not be in doubt. And those in whose hearts is a disease and the disbelievers may say, ‘What does Allah  want by this similitude?’ Thus, Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none knows the hosts of your Lord save Him. And this is nothing but a reminder for people.

74:32 No! By the moon,

74:33 and the night when it retreats,

74:34 and the dawn when it brightens. 

74:35 Indeed, it is one of the greatest things,

74:36 a warning to mankind,  

74:37 to whoever of you wishes to go forward or lag behind. 

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part mentions that the keepers of Hell are nineteen without specifying to which class they belong. In addition, the wisdom behind this number is not clear and it increases the stubbornness of the disbelievers. Therefore, Allah, Exalted be He, mentions that the keepers of Hell do not belong to the same class of the dwellers of Hell so that they will not sympathize with them. They are not like human beings; rather, they are very strong angels, and one of them can destroy a complete town only with a single cry.


74:30 Over it are nineteen.

74:31 And We have not made the keepers of Hell but angels. And We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve, that those who have been given the Book should become certain and those who believe should increase in faith. And those who have been given the Book and the believers may not be in doubt. And those in whose hearts is a disease and the disbelievers may say, ‘What does Allah  want by this similitude?’ Thus, Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none knows the hosts of your Lord save Him. And this is nothing but a reminder for people.

Allah, Exalted be He, refers to some aspects of His ability and wisdom in these ayat, and some afflictions that He tests His slaves with to distinguish those whose faith is strong from those whose faith is weak.

Allah, Exalted be He, has made the keepers of Hell strong, stern angels, which falsify and refute the claim of the disbelievers, like abu Jahl, who claimed that every ten of among his people could defeat one of the keepers of Hell. Allah says that He has made the keepers of Hell strong angels, and no one can defeat or overpower them. 

It was said that a man called Aba Al-Ashad, Kildah Ibn Aseed Ibn Khalaf, said, ‘O people of Quraysh, you can take care of two of the keepers of Hell, and I shall suffice you seventeen of them.’ He said so because he admired his strength. Abu Al-Ashad was very strong. It was said that he used to stand over the cowhide and ten men would try to remove it from under his feet, but the cowhide would be torn into pieces and Abu Al-Ashad would never move from his place. 

74:31 And We have not made the keepers of Hell but angels. And We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve…

Allah, Exalted be He, has made the keepers of Hell strong, tough angels, who never disobey His commands and do as they are commanded. No human being can overcome them, nor resist their commands. Allah has made the number of Hell’s keepers nineteen to test the disbelievers. This test increases their disbelief and denial. They would mock Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] when recited the Quran to them.

Imam Ar-Razi said, ‘Making the number of the keepers of Hell nineteen has become a trial from two sides. First, the disbelievers say, ‘Why do they not become twenty? What is the reason for specifying this number?’ Second, the disbelievers will say, ‘How will those nineteen keepers of Hell be able to punish all created beings among the human beings and the jinn from the time Allah began their creation until the Day of Judgment? As for the believers, they will not give any attention to these two questions.’ 

  …that those who have been given the Book should become certain and those who believe should increase in faith.    

Moreover, Allah, Exalted be He, has made the number of the keepers of Hell nineteen to make those who have been given the Book among the Jews and the Christians certain that Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] is truthful about the revelation that he received from Allah. The former divine Scriptures mention this number of the keepers of Hell, just as the Quran does. In addition, Allah has made the number of the keepers of Hell nineteen so that the faith of the believers may increase and become firmer and stronger. They will be certain that their Prophet and Messenger Muhammad is truthful about the news of the unseen that he received through the divine revelation, as he told them the same number that was mentioned in the former divine Scripture. 

Imam Ibn Kathir, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘Allah, Exalted be He, mentions that He has mentioned that the number of the keepers of Hell are nineteen to test the people. Those who have been given the Scripture will be certain that he is truthful because he says the exact number that was mentioned in the divine Scriptures that were revealed to their Prophets and Messengers. As for the believers, their faith will increase since they are certain that their Prophet and Messenger Muhammad is truthful.’ 

And those who have been given the Book and the believers may not be in doubt.

This is an affirmation of what is mentioned in the previous part. Allah, Exalted be He, has made the number of the keepers of Hell nineteen to make the people of the Scripture certain of the truthfulness of Messenger Muhammad and make the faith of the believers increase. In addition, Allah, Exalted be He, has made their number nineteen to remove any doubt that the people of the Scripture and the believers may have. 

And those in whose hearts is a disease and the disbelievers may say, ‘What does Allah  want by this similitude?’

Those in whose hearts is a disease among the hypocrites and the disbelievers may say, ‘What does Allah want by making the number of the keepers of Hell nineteen? They will be astonished by the fact that the number of the keepers of Hell as if they are astonished at a similitude. They will seek to know the wisdom behind making the number nineteen. However, their intention is not to know why Allah has made the number of keepers of Hell nineteen.  They say so to deny that Allah has revealed such a fact to His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad. 

Thus, Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills.      

Allah lets go astray whom He wills among the disbelievers and the hypocrites, in whose hearts is a disease as they deny the fact that Allah has made the number of the keepers of Hell nineteen. Similarly, Allah guides those whom He wills among the believers to the right path as they believe in what Allah has revealed to His Messenger Muhammad. 

And none knows the hosts of your Lord save Him. And this is nothing but a reminder for people.

O noble Messenger Muhammad, ‘None knows the hosts of your Lord save Him. No one knows how strong the hosts of your Lord are save Him. The keepers of Hell are nothing, but some of the soldiers of Allah. Indeed, Allah has made Hell, and the number of its keepers nothing but a reminder for people so that they may fear Him and obey His commands. Those who deeply think about Hell, its severe punishment, and its strong keepers will worship Allah sincerely, perform righteous deeds for the sake of Allah, and avoid His prohibitions. 

It should be noted that Allah does not force people to go astray; rather, the intended meaning is that Allah has made clear the path of guidance and misguidance and sent His Prophets and Messengers to invite people to follow the right path and warn them of the evil outcome of following the path of misguidance. After that, man is free to choose to follow the path of guidance or misguidance, but he will bear the fruits of his choice. 

74:32 No! By the moon,

74:33 and the night when it retreats,

74:34 and the dawn when it brightens. 

No! The matter is not as the disbelievers claim. They deny that the number of the keepers of Hell is nineteen and that Hell will be their abode. 

By the moon that Allah has determined its phases, by the night that Allah causes to retreat so that the day comes with its brightness, and by the dawn when it brightens. 

Allah can swear by whatever thing of the creatures, but the created being can only swear by Allah. The oath to emphatically refute the claim of the disbelievers. 

 74:35 Indeed, it is one of the greatest things,

74:36 a warning to mankind,  

74:37 to whoever of you wishes to go forward or lag behind. 

Indeed, Hell with its nineteen keepers is one of the greatest things that deserve to be feared. Its torment is severe and no one can bear it. Verily, Hell is a warning to mankind. Those who wish to go forward by obeying the commands of Allah will do their best to avoid Hell. On the other hand, those who wish to lag behind by disobeying the commands of Allah will follow the path of misguidance, which will lead them to loss by entering Hell and suffering its severe torment. 

Indeed, those whose hearts are covered by sins and whose souls seek only to satisfy their whims choose to lag behind. They willingly follow the path of misguidance whose end will be Hell. 

Abdul Allah Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, said, ‘[74:37 to whoever of you wishes to go forward or lag behind.] Whoever wished to go forward by obeying the commands of Allah, and whoever wishes to lag behind will disobey Him.’ 

Learned Lessons from Surah Al-Muddathir Ayah 31-37

The keepers of Hell are nineteen strong angels. No human being, no matter how strong he is, can overcome or resist them.

Making the number of the keepers of Hell nineteen is a trial. The disbelievers will mock this number as they think that they can defeat them easily. On the other hand, the believers will increase in faith as they are certain that Allah is able and He has made them nineteen for wisdom that He only knows. 

The people of the Scripture among the Jews and Christians will be certain of the truthfulness of Messenger Muhammad because the number of the keepers of Hell agrees with what is mentioned in their Scriptures.

Hell with its severe torment is a warning to human begins. Those who wish to go forward by obeying the commands of Allah and avoiding His prohibitions will do their best to avoid it. On the other hand, those who wish to lag behind by disobeying the commands of Allah will not take heed of the warning. 

Allah, Exalted be He, has made the path of guidance and misguidance clear, sent His Prophets and Messengers to invite them to follow the right path and give people the choice to follow the path they want, but they will bear the outcome of their choice. 

No one knows the number of the hosts of Allah.

Hell with its great torment is one of the great calamities. 

Allah, Exalted be He, swears by the moon, the night, and the dawn as they are some of the wondrous creatures that He created. Their creation indicates the perfect ability of Allah. 

The Noble Quran Surah Al-Muddathir

Tafsir Ibn Kahtir Surah Al-Muddathir

Tafsir of Surah Ibrahim Ayah: 47-52 Reward of the Wicked

Introduction to English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Muddathir

The Noble Quran Juz Tabarak English Translation and Tafsir Kindle Edition

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Warning the Leaders of the Disbelievers In Surah Al-Muddathir


Learn Tafsir Surah Al-Muddathir

English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Muddathir Ayah 11-30 

74:11 Leave Me with him whom I created alone,

74:12 and gave him ample wealth,

74:13 and sons by his side, 

74:14 and made all things smooth for him.

74:15 Then, he desires that I should give more.

74:16 No! Truly he has been stubbornly against Our signs. 

74:17 I shall make him endure a hard ascent.

74:18 Surely, he thought and determined -- 

74:19 Woe to him! How he determined! 

74:20 Then, woe to him! How he determined!

74:21 Then, he looked,

74:22 Then, he frowned and scowled. 

74:23 Then, he turned back and waxed proud. 

74:24 Then, he said, ‘This is nothing but magic from old times.

74:25 This is nothing but the word of a mortal.’

74:26 I shall burn him in Saqar! 

74:27 And what will make you know what Saqar is?

74:28 It spares not nor does it leave. 

74:29 It scorches the skin.

74:30 Over it are nineteen.

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part mentions that the Day of Judgment will be hard for the disbelievers. Then, one of the disbelievers, namely, Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah, and his counterparts among the disbelievers are warned of the severe punishment of Allah if they insist on disbelieving in the Oneness of Allah and following the path of misguidance. It also mentions some of the blessings of Allah on Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah, for which he should thank Allah and believe in His Oneness, but he was ungrateful and disbelieved in the Oneness of Allah.


74:11 Leave Me with him whom I created alone,

74:12 and gave him ample wealth,

 It was reported that these ayat were revealed about Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah

O noble Messenger Muhammad, ‘Leave Me with him whom I created alone in his mother’s whom without having wealth nor children. I shall suffice you. I shall deal with him and take revenge on him. I have given him ample wealth, but he has denied My blessings on him instead of thanking Me and believing in My Oneness.’ 

The word ‘leave’ in the ayah is for warning and threatening. 

 It was narrated that Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah was one of the wealthiest people in Makkah. He had abundant wealth of camels, sheep, slaves, orchards, etc. 

74:13 and sons by his side, 

74:14 and made all things smooth for him.

O noble Messenger Muhammad, ‘Leave Me with the disbeliever, Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah, to whom I have given abundant wealth and sons, who are always by his side. They do not leave him to seek sustenance or travel for business because they do not need to work since their father is wealthy. I have also made all things smooth for him. I have made all means of comfort available for him so that he does not need to dispute with his people. This has made him powerful among his people and his opinion is greatly valued.’ 

 In sum, Allah, Exalted be Him, gave Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah all that man needs to live a comfortable life. He gave him abundant wealth, many sons, and effortless superiority and power. 

74:15 Then, he desires that I should give more.

The ayah reveals the ingratitude and greediness that are inherent in this person’s personality. Though Allah, Exalted be He, has given him ample abundant blessings, he is never satisfied. Rather, he wants more and more because of his greediness. Indeed, his condition is strange. 

74:16 No! Truly, he has been stubbornly against Our signs. 

No! This disbeliever will surely be a loser. He will never have what he wants and hopes to acquire because he is stubbornly against the signs of Allah that confirm His Oneness and perfect ability, and he denies them. He strongly opposes the Messenger of Allah and accuses him of magic though he knows that he is truthful. 

74:17 I shall make him endure a hard ascent.

Allah will make this disbeliever endure a hard ascent. He will make him suffer severe and lasting punishment. The severity of his punishment will be like the difficulty that one endures when he ascents a very high mountain or carries a very heavy object.  

It was said that the hard ascent means a mountain in Hell, which the dwellers of Hell will be asked to ascend. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, said, ‘[74:17 I shall make him endure a hard ascent.] Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] said, ‘It is a mountain in Hell, which is made of fire and the dwellers of Hell be asked to ascend it. When he puts his hand on it, it will melt, and when he lifts it, it will return to its normal condition. And when he puts his foot, it will happen to it the same thing.’ 

74:18 Surely, he thought and determined -- 

74:19 Woe to him! How he determined! 

74:20 Then, woe to him! How he determined!

Ikrimah narrated, ‘Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah went to Messenger Muhammad, who recited the Quran to him. It was as if Al-Walid was touched by the Quran. His reaction reached Abu Jahl’s ears. Then, Abu Jahl went to Al-Walid and said, ‘Dear uncle, your people want to collect money for you. Al-Walid said, ‘Why?’ Abu Jahl said, ‘They want to give it to you because you went to Muhammad, seeking some wealth from him.’ Al-Walid said, ‘Indeed, Quraysh knows that I am the wealthiest man among them.’ Abu Jahl said, ‘Thus, you should say something about Muhammad to make your people believe that you disapprove of what he has brought and that you hate it.’ Then, Al-Walid said, ‘What shall I say about the Quran? By Allah, no man among you knows poetry more than me, nor knows rajaz more than me, nor poem more than me, nor the poetry of the jinn more than me. By Allah, what Muhammad says is never similar to anything of these things. By Allah, his speech has sweetness, it will wipe up whatever thing that is below it, and it will dominate and cannot be dominated.’ Abu Jahl said, ‘By Allah, your people will never be satisfied until you say something against it.’ Then, Al-Walid said, ‘Leave me a while so that I can think about something against it.’ Then, Al-Walid thought and said, ‘This is magic that Muhammad was taught by someone.’ Therefore, Allah revealed, [74:11 Leave Me with him whom I created alone,] 

74:18 Surely, he thought and determined -- 

74:19 Woe to him! How he determined! 

74:20 Then, woe to him! How he determined!

Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah determinedly thought about what to say about Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] and the Quran. He thought to fabricate something against Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] and the Quran. Woe to him! How he determined! Then, woe to him! May he be cursed and punished for what he determined! 

74:21 Then, he looked,

74:22 Then, he frowned and scowled. 

74:23 Then, he turned back and waxed proud. 

The ayat eloquently portray the condition and reaction of Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah. They describe his body movement, his heart’s emotions, and his facial reactions. 

Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah determinedly thought about what to say about Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] and the Quran. Then, he looked at the faces of those who were around him, pretending to be seriously thinking about the matter. He acted as if he wanted to say to them, ‘Listen carefully to what I will say about this matter.’ Then, he frowned and scowled. His face color changed and his extremities trembled when he was unable to find any defect in the Quran.

 74:23 Then, he turned back and waxed proud. 

After deep thought and reflection and after frowning and scowling, Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah turned back and waxed proud. He arrogantly turned away from the truth and proudly rejected following it. 

74:24 Then, he said, ‘This is nothing but magic from old times.

74:25 This is nothing but the word of a mortal.’

Conceitedly and Denyingly, Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah said, ‘This Quran that Muhammad claims that God has revealed to him is nothing but magic from old times. Muhammad reports it from the stories of the ancients. This Quran is nothing but the word of a mortal and not the speech of God as Muhammad claims.’

The statement of Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah about Messenger Muhammad and the Quran is evidence that he contradicted himself as he believed that Messenger Muhammad was truthful, but he disbelieved in him and the Quran out of stubbornness and arrogance. 

74:26 I shall burn him in Saqar! 

74:27 And what will make you know what Saqar is?

74:28 It spares not nor does it leave. 

74:29 It scorches the skin.

74:30 Over it are nineteen.

Allah, Exalted be He, mentions the severe punishment that He has prepared for Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah.

Allah, Exalted be He, will burn him in Saqar, namely, Hell. And what will make you know what Saqar is? No one can know exactly how severe its punishment is. It spares not nor does it leave any of the flesh or the bones of dwellers of Hell. And they will be returned to their former state, but Hell will re-burn them again, and so on. In addition, Hell scorches the skin and makes it black and it causes severe pain to its dwellers. Hell has nineteen keepers over it. They are responsible for punishing its dwellers and they carry out the commands of Allah concerning them.

Qatada, said, ‘When this ayah was revealed [74:30 Over it are nineteen.], abu Jahl said, ‘O people of Quraysh! Cannot every ten persons among you defeat one of the keepers of Hell as you are the strongest men? Your companion, namely, Messenger Muhammad, has claimed that it has nineteen keepers over it.’ 

Learned Lessons from Surah Al-Muddathir Ayah 11-30

  Wealth, children, and prestige are causes of tyranny except when Allah protects one from their temptation. 

The stubborn people who disbelieve in the signs confirming the Oneness of Allah and turn others away from the path of Allah are the greatest disbelievers. 

Al-Ibn Al-Mughirah deserves severe punishment because he disbelieved in the Oneness of Allah, His Messenger, and the Quran, as well as he claimed that the Quran was magic.

Reflection that turns away from divine guidance, no matter how deep it may be, leads to destruction and loss.

Repeated reflection on the truth makes it clearer, on the other hand, reflection on falsehood makes it weaker for those who have sound dispositions and sincerely seek the guidance of Allah.

Allah sent His revelation to His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad.

The Day of Judgment will certainly take place.

The Noble Quran Surah Al-Muddathir English Translation

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