Sunday, May 28, 2023

Introduction to English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Jinn


This article presents a brief introduction to the English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Jinn. 

Name of the Surah 

This surah is called Al-Jinn because it speaks about some of the conditions of the jinn. When the jinn heard the recitation of the Quran, they immediately believed in it.

Surah Al-Jinn gives the reader a clear image of the world of the jinn. It mentions that some of them are righteous while others are wicked, that they do not know the unseen as only Allah knows it, that they are accountable for their deeds and will be rewarded or punished according to their deeds, that they cannot benefit or harm anyone, and that they are under the control of Allah. 

Surah Al-Jin was revealed in Makkah. It contains twenty-eight ayah.

Relationship between Surah Noah and Al-Jinn

In surah Noah, which comes before surah Al-Jinn according to the arrangement of the written copy of the Quran, al-Mushaf, the disbelievers are commanded to seek forgiveness from Allah so that they will be given abundant rain. Surah Al-Jinn mentions that if the disbelievers follow the path of guidance, they will be given abundant rain.

Both surahs refer to heaven. Surah Noah mentions that Allah has created seven heavens one upon another. Surah Al-Jinn mentions that there are strong guards in heaven to prevent the jinn from eavesdropping. 72:8 And we sought to reach haven, but we found it filled with strong guards and shooting stars.  

Surah Noah mentions that the people of Noah were drowned because of their sins. Surah Al-Jinn mentions that whoever disobeys Allah will enter Hell where he will remain forever suffering its severe punishment. 72:23 And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger – for him, surely the Fire of Hell abiding therein forever.’

Most Important Topics Discussed in Surah Al-Jinn 

Surah Al-Jinn discusses two important topics, namely, informing about facts related to the world of the jinn, and instructions to Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon] as to what he should do about inviting people to Islam.

Surah Al-Jinn begins by informing about the story of the jinn who believed in the Oneness of Allah after listening to the recitation of the Quran from Messenger Muhammad when he was praying.

72:1 Say, ‘It has been revealed to me that a company of the jinn listened to the Quran, and said, ‘Truly, we have heard a wondrous Quran.

72:2 It guides to the right path, so we believe in it. And we shall never worship anyone besides our Lord.

Then, the surah enlightens about the exaltation and glorification of Allah and worshipping Him alone by the jinn. 

72:3 And we believe that He, Exalted be the glory of our Lord, has taken neither a wife nor a son.

72:4 And the foolish among us used to say outrageous lies against Allah. 

72:5 And we thought that men and jinn would never speak a lie against Allah.

Then, surah Al-Jinn mentions some attempts of the jinn to eavesdrop on what happens in heaven to know the news of the upper world. It also says that they are prevented from eavesdropping by the presence of angel guards in heaven and burning them by shooting stars after sending Muhammad as Messenger of Allah. 

72:8 And we sought to reach haven, but we found it filled with strong guards and shooting stars.

72:9 And we used to sit there in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a shooting star in wait for him.

After that, the surah mentions that the jinn are divided into two parties, the believers and the disbelievers. It gives good news to the believers among them of happiness in the life of this world and the Hereafter. It warns the disbelievers among them of severe punishment. 

Then, surah Al-Jinn refers to how the jinn gathered around Messenger Muhammad when they heard him reciting the Quran.

72:19 And when the slave of Allah stood up invoking his Lord, they almost swarm upon him.

Then, the surah mentions some instructions to Messenger Muhammad commanding him to sincerely convey the message of Islam to people, and never worship other gods besides Allah. It also informs that Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him] cannot bring benefit to himself nor ward off harm let alone to other people, that no one can help him protect him from the punishment of Allah if he disobeys the commands of Allah, and that he does not know when the punishment of Allah will befall the disbelievers.

72:20 Say, ‘I invoke my Lord only and do not worship anyone along with Him.’

72:21 Say, ‘Indeed, I possess no power for you to do you harm nor guide you rightly.’

Finally, surah Al-Jinn is concluded with confirming that only Allah knows the unseen and that He alone knows everything about the creatures.

72:26 He is the All-Knower of the unseen, and He does not disclose His unseen to anyone,

72:27 save to a messenger whom He has chosen; then He makes before and after him watchers,

72:28 that He may know that they have conveyed the Messages of their Lord. And He is fully aware of all that with them and He has counted the number of all things.

The Noble Quran English Translation of Surah Al-Jinn

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, English Translation, Surah Al-Jinn

Introduction to English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Noah

The Noble Quran Surah an-Nahl English Translation and Tafsir

Monday, May 15, 2023

Some of the Evil Statements and Deeds of the People of Messenger Noah


This article gives examples of some wicked statements of the people of Messenger Noah that are mentioned in surah Noah.

The Noble Quran English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Noah Ayah 21-28 

The Noble Quran English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Noah Ayah 21-28 

Some of the Evil Statements and Deeds of the People of Messenger Noah

71:21 Noah said, ‘O my Lord! They have disobeyed me and followed one whose wealth and children have given him no increase but loss.’

71:22 And they have plotted a mighty plot. 

71:23 And they said, ‘Do not leave your gods, and do not leave Wadd nor Sawa’, nor Yaghus,  and Ya’uq and Nasr.’

71:24 And they already have misled many. And give the wrongdoers no increase but loss.’

71:25 Because of their sins, they were drowned, and then they were made to enter the Fire. Hence, they did not find helpers besides Allah. 

71:26 And Noah said, ‘O my Lord! Leave not on the earth of the disbelievers even one.

71:27 Surely, if You leave them, they will mislead Your slaves and will beget none but wicked disbelievers.

71:28 O my Lord! Forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house as a believer, and the believers, men and women, and give the wrongdoers no increase but loss.’

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part mentions some proofs demonstrating the Oneness of Allah, Exalted be He. Then, this part mentions that the people of Messenger Noah insisted on disobeying the commands of Allah and following the path of misguidance. It also mentions some of their evil statements and deeds, whose main subject is constant worship of false gods. In addition, it mentions their punishment in the life of this world and the Hereafter. Finally, surah Noah is concluded with the invocation of Messenger Noah, who asked Allah to forgive him, his parents, and the believers.


71:21 Noah said, ‘O my Lord! They have disobeyed me and followed one whose wealth and children have given him no increase but loss.’

After doing his best to advise his people and inviting them to follow the path of guidance for nine hundred and fifty years, Messenger Noah despaired of their belief in the Oneness of Allah. 

Messenger Noah said, ‘O my Lord! My people have disobeyed my commands, disliked my companionship, and arrogantly insisted on following the path of misguidance. They have not only turned away from the truth, but they have also followed their leaders, who own great wealth and many children, which have given them no increase but loss and denial of the blessings that You have given them in the life of this world. In the Hereafter, their wealth and children will give them no increase but punishment and regret.’

71:22 And they have plotted a mighty plot. 

Messenger Noah mentions another evil deed of his people. He said, ‘O my Lord! The leaders among my people used the blessings that You have given them to spread evil. They have not only provoked their followers to disobey my commands, but they have also plotted a mighty plot against the believers and me.’

Some aspects of the evil plot of the disbelievers are determining to abuse Messenger Noah and the believers, and deceiving the foolish among their people by telling them that they follow the right path and that Messenger Noah and the believers follow the wrong path. 

71:23 And they said, ‘Do not leave your gods, and do not leave Wadd nor Sawa’, nor Yaghus,  and Ya’uq and Nasr.’

The leaders among the disbelievers said to their followers, ‘Do not leave worshipping your gods, which your fathers used to worship, especially, these gods: Wadd, Sawa’, Yaghus, Ya’uq, and Nasr.’

Imam Muhammad Ibn Jarir at-Tabari said, ‘These were names of righteous people, who had followers. When those righteous men died, their followers, who used to take them as role models, said, ‘If we make idols that look like them, it would motivate us to worship Allah whenever we remember them.’ Thus, they made idols that look like them. When those people died, and another generation came, Satan said to them, ‘Your ancestors used to worship these idols and have rain by invoking them.’ Thus, they worshipped them.’  

71:24 And they already have misled many. And give the wrongdoers no increase but loss.’

After losing hope that his people would follow the right path, Messenger Noah invoked his Lord and said,

 ‘O my Lord! My people disobeyed me and follow their arrogant leaders, who made a great plot against me. They said to their followers that they should keep on worshiping their false gods. By doing so, they have misled many people and made them follow the path of misguidance. O, my Lord! I ask You that You give the wrongdoers no increase but loss over their wrongdoing, as You have told me that no one would believe from my people except those who have already believed.’

It is clear that Messenger Noah made his invocation after he lost hope in his people and after Allah told him that no more people would believe.

71:25 Because of their sins, they were drowned, and then they were made to enter the Fire. Hence, they did not find helpers besides Allah. 

This ayah mentions the reason for punishing the people of Messenger Noah severely. 

Because of the grave sins that the people of Messenger Noah committed, they were drowned by the flood in the life of this world, and they would enter the Fire of Hell on the Day of Judgment wherein they would suffer severe punishment. They will find no helpers besides Allah to save them from the lasting terrible punishment of Hell. The gods that they used to worship besides Allah in the life of this world cannot protect them from the torment of Hell.

It is as if the ayah draws the attention of the disbelievers, who claim that their false gods will intercede for them with Allah on the Day of Judgment, and tells them that these false gods cannot benefit nor harm them and can never protect them against the punishment of Allah. Hence, they may wake up and amend their wrong way before it is too late. If they die as disbelievers nothing can protect them from the punishment of Allah. 

In two short ayat, the story of the insolent, disobedient ones ends, and remembering them is folded away from life before mentioning the innovation of Messenger Noah to destroy them. The context of the surah does not give details about the story of their drowning nor the story of the flood that swept them away. That is because the shadow that is intended to remain in this situation is the shadow of a swift assault that traverses the distance between the drowning and destruction by using very few words, which agrees with the style of the Quran that uses wonderful, rhythmic expressions and images. 

71:26 And Noah said, ‘O my Lord! Leave not on the earth of the disbelievers even one.

71:27 Surely, if You leave them, they will mislead Your slaves and will beget none but wicked disbelievers.

71:28 O my Lord! Forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house as a believer, and the believers, men and women, and give the wrongdoers no increase but loss.’

Surah Noah continues narrating the story of Messenger Noah and his people and mentions his invocation to his Lord.

 Messenger Noah said, ‘O my Lord! Do not leave on the earth anyone of the disbelievers. Destroy them all with Your irresistible mighty, so that no one, who moves on earth, remains. If You leave them on earth, they will mislead Your slaves and incite them to worship other gods besides You and disobey Your commands. O, my Lord! If you leave any one of the disbelievers alive on earth, they will beget none but wicked disbelievers, who hate the truth and follow the path of misguidance. O, my Lord! Forgive my sins and forgive the sins of my parents, whoever enters my house as a believer, and the believers, men and women. O, my Lord! Give the wrongdoers no increase but loss and destruction.’

Qatada, may Allah be pleased with him, said, ‘   71:26 And Noah said, ‘O my Lord! Leave not on the earth of the disbelievers even one. By Allah, Messenger Noah only invoked Allah to destroy the disbelievers after receiving a revelation from Allah that no more people from his people would believe. Thus, he invoked Allah to destroy them and leave no one moving earth among them. Then, he invoked Allah and said, ‘71:28 O my Lord! Forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house as a believer, and the believers, men and women, and give the wrongdoers no increase but loss.’ 

Sayyid Qutb wrote, ‘Then, Messenger Noah continued his final innovation and his prayer to his Lord at the end of his journey. Noah’s heart was inspired that the earth needed cleansing that would purify its surface from the absolute, overwhelming evil that spread among his people. Sometimes, no remedy is beneficial, but cleaning the surface of the earth from all the wrongdoers because their existence would freeze the invitation to the worship of Allah for good and prevent it from reaching the hearts of people. This is the fact that Messenger Noah expressed when he invoked Allah to destroy the wrongdoers that no one of them would remain on earth. If they remained alive on the surface of the earth, they would mislead the slaves of Allah by forcing them to renounce their belief in the Oneness of Allah by the overpowering force or deceiving their hearts when they saw the great power of the wrongdoers without suffering any punishment from Allah. Moreover, the wrongdoers would create an environment wherein the disbelievers would bear and motivate the young generation to follow the path of misguidance by being negatively affected by the unfavorable environment created by the wrongdoers. Thus, there would be no chance for the young generation to see the light of faith since the misguided environment created by the wrongdoers would overwhelm them with its evil effect.  Messenger Noah referred to this fact when mentioned that the disbelievers would beget none but wicked disbelievers, who would spread falsehood among the community and create customs, situations, systems, and traditions in which the young generation would be brought up as disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah. Therefore, Messenger Noah invoked Allah to destroy the disbelievers to clean the surface of the earth from such evil and eradicate all obstacles that only the strong and able Will of Allah could remove.’  

Learned Lessons from Surah Noah Ayah 21-28 

It is permissible to complain to Allah, Exalted be He. Therefore, Messenger Noah complained to Allah and told Him that his people disobeyed him and rejected believing in the Oneness of Allah after inviting them for nine hundred and fifty-nine years, which indicates their stubbornness and insistence on following the path of misguidance.

People usually imitate their leaders and elites. The people of Messenger Noah followed their leaders and elites, who were arrogant disbelievers. Their wealth and children gave them no increase but loss and destruction. Those leaders and elites did their best to turn people away from following the right path.

The people of Messenger Noah insisted on disbelieving in the Oneness of Allah, stubbornness, rebellion, and worshipping false gods besides Allah. They urged one another to keep on worshipping their false gods, which were idols in the image of some righteous men, who died and generation after generation worshipped these idols besides Allah.

Messenger Noah complained to Allah and told Him that the leaders and elites among his people made his people follow the path of misguidance. Therefore, he invoked Allah to destroy them after receiving a revelation from Allah that no more people would believe among his people.

The people of Messenger Noah were punished severely because of their sins. They were drowned by the flood in the life of this world. They will enter Hell on the Day of Judgment and suffer its great torment.

No one can help from the punishment of Allah. The false gods will never protect the disbelievers from the punishment of Allah.

Messenger Noah invoked Allah to forgive him, his parents, the believers who entered his house, and the believers. He also invoked Allah to give the disbelievers no increase but loss and destruction. 

The Noble Quran English Translation of Surah Noah

English Translation of Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Surah Noah

The Noble Quran English Translation and Tafsir of Surah Al-Qalam Ayah 44-52

The Noble Quran Surah an-Nahl English Translation and Tafsir