Sunday, September 29, 2019

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra: Ayah 90-93

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra

 Some Suggestions of the Disbelievers

Messenger Muhammad suffered from the abuse of the disbelievers of Mecca when he invited them to worship Allah alone, and commanded them not worship the false gods. They abused and oppressed him and his companions. Their stubbornness led them to ask him to do things that are beyond human’s ability. 

(They say, ‘We shall not believe in you until you make a spring gush forth from the ground for us.’

Or you have a garden of palm trees and grapes, and make rivers abundantly gush forth therein.

Or you cause the heaven to fall on us in pieces as you have claimed, or bring Allah and the angels before us, face to face.

Or you have a house made of gold, or you ascend to the heaven. And we shall not believe in your ascension unless you bring us a book that we may read. Say, ‘Glory be to my Lord! I am nothing but a human, a Messenger.’)

[Quran Surah al-Isra:90-93]

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part mentioned that the Quran is inimitable, which proves that Messenger Muhammad was truthful. However, being a truthful messenger and being supported with inimitable evidence does not mean that he should bring many unique proofs. That is because such a thing will open the unclosable door, and whenever a messenger brings a proof, his opponents will ask him to bring another one. The result will be that the stubbornness of the obstinate people will never end, e.g. after the disbelievers definitely knew that the Quran is inimitable, they asked Messenger Muhammad for other impossible things.  

The disbelievers made the suggestions mentioned in the following ayat in a meeting that they had with Messenger Muhammad. 
A group of the leaders of Quraysh met at the Kaaba, and asked Messenger Muhammad to come. When he came, they said, ‘O Muhammad! We have called you so that we may have justifiable reasons about you. Indeed, no man of the Arab have done what you have done with your people. Verily, you have insulted our ancestors, criticized the religion, found fault with the intellects, and abused the gods. If you seek wealth by doing so, we would collect money from our wealth and give it to you so that you would be the richest man among us. If you seek nobility and rank, we would make you our master, if you seek kingdom, we would make you our king.’ 

Messenger Muhammad said, ‘I do not want anything of what you have offered. Allah has sent me as a Messenger to you, revealed the Quran to me and commanded me to give good news to the believers and warn the disbelievers. I have conveyed the message to you, and advised you. If you accept my message, you will have your share in this world and the Hereafter. And if you reject it, I will be patient until Allah decides the matter between us.’

They said, ‘O Muhammad! If you are truthful about what you have brought, ask your Lord, who sent you, to move this mountain that makes our land narrow, so that it becomes wide, make rivers gush forth our land, and bring back our forefather so that we will ask them about your affairs, whether it is truthful or false. Ask your Lord to send an angel with you to confirm your truthfulness, and ask Him to grant you gardens, palaces, or gold and silver treasures that help you in your life.’ 

Messenger Muhammad said, ‘I have not been sent  to do these things.’ 

They said, ‘Cause the heaven to fall on us in pieces as you have claimed.’ One of disbelievers said, ‘I will never believe in you until you have a ladder so that you will ascend to the heaven while we see you.’ 

Messenger Muhammad left them sad as he felt that they were so far from following the right path.  


They say, ‘We shall not believe in you until you make a spring gush forth from the ground for us.’[90]

The disbelievers, who denied resurrection on the Day of Judgment, said, ‘O Muhammad! We shall not believe in the message you have brought and follow Islam, until you make a spring gush forth the ground of Mecca for us.’ 
The disbelievers of Mecca lived in al-Hejaz area in the Arabian Peninsula, and it was dry. 

(Or you have a garden of palm trees and grapes, and make rivers abundantly gush forth therein.)[91]

Another suggestion of the disbelievers was that they said to Messenger Muhammad, ‘… or we shall not believe in the message you have brought until you have your own garden that has many palm trees and grapes, and make rivers abundantly gush forth therein.’

They specifically mentioned palm trees and grapes as they regarded these plants to be the most important plants as well as these plants were abundant in their area.

(Or you cause the heaven to fall on us in pieces as you have claimed, or bring Allah and the angels before us, face to face.) [92]

The disbelievers also said to Messenger Muhammad, ‘… or you cause the heaven to fall on us in pieces as you have claimed. You have claimed that on the Day of Judgment, the heaven will split and fall down in pieces. Or you bring Allah and the angels before us, so that we see them with our own eyes. Then, they will testify that you are the Messenger of Allah.’

(Or you have a house made of gold, or you ascend to the heaven. And we shall not believe in your ascension unless you bring us a book that we may read. Say, ‘Glory be to my Lord! I am nothing but a human, a Messenger.’)[93]

The disbelievers also suggested the following suggestion to Messenger Muhammad: ‘… or you have a house made of gold, or you ascend to the heaven. And we shall not believe in your ascension to the heaven unless you bring a book that we may read and that states that you are truthful.’

The ayah is concluded with commanding Messenger Muhammad to say to the disbelievers something that would make them speechless and stop their meaningless suggestions. 

 (Say, Glory be to my Lord! I am nothing but a human, a Messenger.’) 

O Messenger! Tell the disbelievers, who have rejected to follow the message of guidance, Islam, ‘Glory be to my Lord! I am only a human being just as the other messengers of Allah. My duty is to convey the message of my Lord, Allah.’

Learned Lessons

Weak-minded people think that Allah will do what they suggest to please their meaningless suggestions, just as the leaders in this world do what their followers want them to do in order to gain their allegiance and loyally and achieve their goals.
The suggestions of the disbelievers of Mecca were challenging. However, they were not made to reach to the truth and believe in the Oneness of Allah. If the disbelievers truly wanted to know the truth, the Quran would suffice them as it contains all needed facts and proofs.
Allah commanded Muhammad to tell the disbelievers, who suggested impossible things, that he was just a human being like them and a Messenger of Allah. Allah sent Messenger Muhammad to invite people to believe in the Oneness of Allah and convey the message of Islam.

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra: Ayah 85-89

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tafsir of Surah al-Kahf: Ayah 25-26

Tafsir of Surah al-Kahf 25 to 26

They remained sleeping in their cave for three hundred years and nine more.

Say, ‘Allah knows best how long they stayed in the cave. To Him belongs knowledge of the unseen in the heavens and the earth. How perfectly He sees and hears! They have no guardian other than Him, and He makes none a partner in His judgment.’ [Surah al-Kahf: 25-26]


How Long Did the Young Men Stay in the Cave? 

They remained sleeping in their cave for three hundred years and nine more. [25]

The ayat mention that the young men stayed three hundred and nine lunar years, sleeping in the cave. 

O Messenger! This is the decisive news regarding how long the young men stayed in the cave. Allah told you about it. What Allah told you is the truth. 

Say, ‘Allah knows best how long they stayed in the cave. To Him belongs knowledge of the unseen in the heavens and the earth. How perfectly He sees and hears! They have no guardian other than Him, and He makes none a partner in His judgment.’ [26]

O Messenger! If you were asked about how long the young men stayed in the cave, and you did not have divine knowledge about it, do not say anything since Allah alone knew how long they stayed in the cave. 

(To Him belongs knowledge of the unseen in the heavens and the earth.)

Allah alone knows what is hidden in the heavens and the earth. Nothing is hidden from Him. Thus, you should acknowledge that He alone knows exactly how long the young men stayed in the cave. 

(How perfectly He sees and hears!)

Allah perfectly sees and hears so nothing is out of His knowledge. 

(They have no guardian other than Him, and He makes none a partner in His judgment.’)

People have no guardian, who takes care of their affairs except Allah. He has perfect authority. There is no one, who shares with Allah in His judgment and ruling. Allah alone has absolute sovereignty in this universe. 

Learned Lessons

Establishing the truthfulness of Messenger Muhammad regarding the revelation that he brought from Allah. He informed about the story of the young men of the cave and gave a precise description of the story. 
The Quran is eloquent. It gives a summary of the story of the young men of the cave in the beginning, and then it gives a detailed narration.
When true belief is firmly established in the heart, everything else becomes valueless compared thereto. The young men of the cave preferred fleeing from their homeland. They left their people to protect their belief in the Oneness of Allah. Indeed, firm and true faith makes miracles. 
The believer should ask Allah for help when he is afflicted. He should know that if he obeys and fears Allah, then Allah, out of His bounty and mercy, will help him and bring him ease. The young men of the cave sincerely prayed to Allah to guide and protect them. Allah accepted their prayer, guided them to go to the cave, where He caused them to sleep for so long time, and protected them throughout this long time.
Principled thinking with good intention and truthful determination lead to the right path. The young men of the cave with their pious hearts and upright thinking knew that the only god deserving worship was Allah. 
Seeking seclusion from disbelievers' oppression leads to the attainment of the mercy of Allah and success. The young men of the cave isolated themselves from their people in order to protect their faith, and Allah rewarded them immensely. 
Seeking lawful means to achieve desired goals does not contradict dependence on Allah. Though the young men of the cave knew that Allah was able to protect them, they asked their fellow to be cautious when they sent him to buy food for them for fear that the inhabitants of the town might know about them and force them to return to disbelief.
The story of the young men of the cave is a clear evidence that the Day of Judgment will take place. Allah gave a practical example demonstrating that He could bring life back to the dead in their story as He caused them to sleep for so long time, and then caused them to go back to life.

Tafsir of Surah al-Kahf: Ayah 23-24

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra: Ayah 85-89

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra

The True Nature of the Soul & the Inimitability of the Quran

Messenger Muhammad encountered challenges when carrying out the duty of conveying the Islamic message. Some of which were questions that his contemporaries asked about issues that Messenger Muhammad, as a human being, could have no knowledge about.  
Knowing the true nature of the soul has been one of the issues human beings could not and cannot have conclusive conception and understanding about. That is because only Allah knows the true nature of the soul as He mentioned in the Quran.
Allah granted His Messengers miracles, confirming their truthfulness. For example, He granted Moses the stick, which became a snake by the permission of Allah; He made Jesus  heal the blind and the lepers by His permission; He revealed the Quran to His Messenger Muhammadﷺ, which all people and the jinn cannot bring the like thereof.  

(They ask you about the soul. Say, ‘The soul is a thing that only my Lord knows about, and you have not been given knowledge but a little.’

If We willed, We would surely take away what We have revealed to you. Then you would find no supporter against Us.

But, We did not will so as mercy from your Lord. Indeed, His bounty on you is ever great.

Say, ‘If men and the jinn were to gather to produce the like of this Quran, they could never produce the like thereof, even if they were to help one another.’

Indeed, We have diversely clarified every kind of example for people in this Quran. Yet most people refuse to accept nothing but disbelief.) [Quran Surah al-Isra: 85-89] 

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part was concluded with, (Say, ‘Everyone acts according to his own way. Your Lord knows best who is rightly guided.’) [84] The ayah refers to the fact that every person acts in accordance with what agrees with his disposition. If his soul is righteous and pure, his acts will be righteous, and if his soul is wicked, his acts will be wicked. Thus, the following part speaks about the true nature of the soul. 

Ayah (85): Cause of Revelation  

Abdul-Allah bin Mas’ûd, may Allah be pleased with him, said, ‘I was walking with Messenger Muhammad on a cultivated land in al-Madinah, and the Messengerﷺ was holding a palm branch in his hand. He passed by a group of the Jews. Some of them said to one another, ‘Ask him about the true nature of the soul.’ some of them said, ‘Do not ask him lest his reply may have something that you dislike.’ And some of them said, ‘Let’s ask him.’ Thus, a man stood up and said, ‘O abû al-Qãsm! What is the true nature of the soul?’ The Prophetﷺ did not reply, and remained silent. Abdul-Allah felt that Messenger Muhammad was receiving revelation from the heaven, so he left him alone. When the revelation stopped, Messenger Muhammad recited: (They ask you about the soul. Say, ‘The soul is a thing that only my Lord knows about, and you have not been given knowledge but a little.’) 

Commenting on ayah (85), Imam Ibn Jarîr at-Tabarî said, ‘Allah says to His Messenger Muhammad ‘The people of the Scripture ask you about the true nature of the soul. Tell them that the soul is a thing that only Allah knows about its true nature. You have not been given knowledge but a little.’ It was narrated that those who asked Messenger Muhammad about the soul were a group of the Jews. 


The Quran

(They ask you about the soul. Say, ‘The soul is a thing that only my Lord knows about, and you have not been given knowledge but a little.’) [85]

The ayah indicates a warning to those who ask questions out of stubbornness, and they do not ask questions in order to have knowledge about important matters. Some Jews asked Messenger Muhammad about the true nature of the soul, which is an invisible matter that no one can describe its true nature. However, they do not have sufficient knowledge about things that they should have knowledge about. Therefore, Allah instructed Messenger Muhammad to tell those who asked him about the true nature of the soul that it is a thing that only Allah knows about its true nature. Moreover, no great benefit will be gained by answering their question. Rather, they should have asked about important things that they needed to have knowledge about. The ayah is a proof that if a person is asked about a matter that is not of great importance, he should not answer it, and guide the questioner to what he needs and benefit him.  

Then the ayat present what indicates an aspect of the ability of Allah.  

(If We willed, We would surely take away what We have revealed to you. Then you would find no supporter against Us.) [86]

If Allah willed, He would surely take away the Quran, which He have revealed to Messenger Muhammad. Thus, it will be removed from his memory and his companions’ memories. Indeed, Allah is able to do so. Nothing can stop Allah’s will. If Allah did so, Messenger Muhammad would find no supporter nor helper, who can help him against Allah, the Omnipotence. 

Abdul-Allah bin Mas’ûd, may Allah be pleased with, said, ‘Indeed, this Quran that is available among you now is about to be taken away.’ He was asked, ‘How it will be taken away though we have memorized it, and written it on the Mus-haf (a written copy of the Quran)?’ Abdul-Allah said, ‘It will be taken away from the memories of its memorizers in a particular night, and what has been written in the copies of the Quran will be removed. Thus, the people will wake up in the morning and find nothing of it.’ Then he recited, (If We willed, We would surely take away what We have revealed to you. Then you would find no supporter against Us.)’ 

(But, We did not will so as mercy from your Lord. Indeed, His bounty on you is ever great.)[87]

Verily, had We so willed, We would have taken away the Quran from your memory, and you would find no one, who could bring it back to you; however, We did not will so, and We kept it in your memory out of mercy from Us.

O Muhammad! Indeed, the bounty of Allah on you is ever great. He has revealed the Quran to you, kept it in your memory, made you the master over the children of Adam, and the final messenger, and granted you the praised status of intercession on the Day of Judgment. 
The Noble Quran

(Say, ‘If men and the jinn were to gather to produce the like of this Quran, they could never produce the like thereof, even if they were to help one another.’) [88]

O Messenger! Say to the disbelievers, who claimed that they could bring the like of the Quran - (When Our clear ayat are recited to them, they say, ‘We have heard. If we wished, we could say the like thereof. Indeed, this is nothing, but fables of the ancients.)[Q 8:31]- ‘By Allah! If men and the jinn were to gather and agree to bring the like of the Quran that Allah revealed to His Messenger Muhammad, they could never bring the like thereof, even if they were to help one another.

Definitely, their efforts will fail as the speech of the created beings never resembles the speech of the Creator, Allah, Exalted is He. 
Verily, the disbelievers were unable to bring even one ayah, or surah, or ten surahs like the Quran let alone to bring an entire book that is like the Quran. This is a conclusive proof that the Quran, which Messenger Muhammad brought, is revelation from Allah, Exalted is He. 

People and the jinn are specifically mentioned in the ayah because those who deny that Allah revealed the Quran belong to them. As for the angels, they are honorable slaves of Allah. They never disobey Allah, and do what they are commanded to do.

Though the disbelievers were unable to bring a book like the Quran, they persisted in disbelief, and transgression.  

(Indeed, We have diversely clarified every kind of example for people in this Quran. Yet most people refuse to accept nothing but disbelief.) [89]

Indeed, Allah has presented diverse and clear examples in the Quran. However, people refuse to accept nothing but disbelief. Those people are the disobedient and the heedless. They persist in following the path of misguidance and favor it over following the path of guidance, which is belief in the Oneness of Allah.
The ayah mentions that the majority of people are disbelievers while believers, who believe in the Oneness of Allah and obey His commandments, are a few number. 

Learned Lessons 

The disbelievers asked about the true nature of the soul. The reply to this question is that no one knows the true nature of the soul but Allah, who has created it. This indicates that man is unable to know the true essence of his own self. Thus, if he is ignorant of the true nature of his own soul, how could he know the right path by himself if there is no revelation, showing him the right path, and which Allah, the Creator, has revealed?
Man has little knowledge. On the other hand, Allah’s knowledge is comprehensive. 
Just as Allah has revealed the Quran to Messenger Muhammad, He is able to take it away from him. No one could help him to bring it back. However, Allah did not will to do so out of mercy and bounty on Messenger Muhammad.
Indeed, the bounty of Allah on Messenger Muhammad is great.
Men and the jinn will never be able to produce the like of the Quran even if they help one another. 
The Quran is a comprehensive guide map. It contains everything that man needs to know about in this world and the Hereafter.

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra: Ayah 82-84

Sunday, September 8, 2019

All things happen by the will of Allah [Surah Al-Kahf Ayah 23-24]

Tafsir of Surah Al-Kahf Ayah 23-24

Do not say, ‘Indeed, I shall do such and such thing tomorrow.’

‘…unless you add, ‘If Allah wills.’’ Remember your Lord when you forget something, and say, ‘I hope that my Lord will guide me to the nearest guiding path.’ [Surah al-Kahf: 23-24]



In the following ayat, Allah commanded Messenger Muhammad to follow certain guidance when intending to do something in the future. 

Do not say, ‘Indeed, I shall do such and such thing tomorrow.’ [23]

This is disciplinary guidance to Messenger Muhammad. It commanded him, when intending to do something in the future, not to act as if it would certainly take place. Rather, he should associate his intention with the phrase ‘If Allah wills.’

 It was said so to Messenger Muhammad as he promised to answer the disbelievers’ questions the following day without associating his promise with the phrase ‘If Allah wills.’ The revelation had not come to Messenger Muhammad for fifteen days until he felt uneasiness. Then Allah revealed the answer to the questions to him, informed him of the reason for stopping the revelation, and taught him guidance to follow when intending to do something in the future. Allah told him, ‘O Muhammad! Do not say I will do such and such thing tomorrow as you told the disbelievers when they asked you certain questions unless you associate your intention with the phrase saying ‘If Allah wills.’ 

 The ayah is not intended for prohibiting people from thinking about doing things in the future; rather, it guides them not to be certain when doing so because no one knows what will happen in the future but Allah. 

‘…unless you add, ‘If Allah wills.’’ Remember your Lord when you forget something, and say, ‘I hope that my Lord will guide me to the nearest guiding path.’ [24]

The scholars mention three opinions regarding the meaning of this ayah. The first opinion is if you forget to say ‘If Allah wills’ when intending to do something, and then remember it, then remember Allah. The second one is if you get angry, remember Allah. The third opinion is if you forget something, then remember Allah so He will help you to remember it. 

(…and say, ‘I hope that my Lord will guide me to the nearest guiding path.’)

O Messenger! Mention your Lord’s name when you intend to do something. If you forget to do so and then you remember, then mention your Lord’s name and say I hope that my Lord will guide me to the nearest right path. 

Indeed, Allah did guide His Messenger to the right path. He related to him stories of the prophets, and some news of the unseen that were greater than the story of the young men of the cave. 

Gathering People for Reckoning on the Day of Judgment

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra: Ayah 82-84

Tafsir of Surah al-Isra

 The Quran is Healing and Mercy for the Believers

The Quran, which Allah revealed to His Messenger Muhammad, is healing and mercy for the believers. It increases their belief, and removes heart’s diseases, e.g. doubt, hypocrisy, and ignorance. Moreover, the Quran is mercy for those who believes in and follows its teachings. It guides them to wisdom, and righteousness, and finally, it leads them to Paradise. 

(We reveal the Quran, which is healing and mercy for the believers; and it increases the disbelievers nothing but loss.

When We bestow blessings on man, he turns away and distances himself from Us, and when affliction befalls him, he is ever despairing.

Say, ‘Everyone acts according to his own way. Your Lord knows best who is rightly guided.’) [Quran Surah al-Isra: 82-84] 

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous ayat elaborately discussed the creed of belief in the Oneness of Allah, prophet-hood, and resurrection on the Day of Judgment. Then they commanded the believers to perform the prayer. All those things are found in the Quran. Therefore, the following ayat refers to the fact that the Quran is healing and mercy for the believers. 


The Quran is Mercy

(We reveal the Quran, which is healing and mercy for the believers; and it increases the disbelievers nothing but loss.) [82]

O Muhammad! We have revealed the Quran. It cures heart diseases such as ignorance, and guides the believers to the right path. The Quran is mercy for the believers because they comply with its commandments and avoid its prohibitions. It leads them to the path that pleases Allah in this world and to Paradise in the Hereafter. 

(…and it increases the disbelievers nothing but loss.)

The Quran increases the disbelievers nothing but loss. It leads them to destruction because they do not believe in it and do not benefit from its guidance. 

Qatãda, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘(We reveal the Quran, which is healing and mercy is for the believers.) When the believer listens to the Quran, he benefits from its teachings, and memorizes, and understands it. (…and it increases the disbelievers nothing but loss.) The Quran increases the wrongdoers nothing but loss because they do not benefit from its teachings, and do not memorize nor understand it. Verily, Allah has made the Quran healing and mercy for the believers.’ 

The Quran heals soul and body diseases. As for the soul diseases, they are of two kinds, i.e. false beliefs and vice ethics. The worst type of false beliefs is false belief about Allah, prophet-hood, resurrection on the Day of Judgment, and predestination. The Quran contains evidence, denoting the right path regarding them. It also refutes false beliefs about these things. Moreover, the Quran contains proofs, revealing apparent and hidden defects in the false beliefs. Therefore, it heals diseases of the soul. As for vice ethics, the Quran gives a detailed account of them and their negative effects as well as it gives guidance about virtue ethics. Therefore, the Quran heals from vice ethics. As for healing diseases of the body, reciting the Quran with the intention of treating body diseases cures them by the Will of Allah. 

Abû Sa’eed al-Khudry, may Allah be pleased with him, reported, ‘Some of the companions of Messenger Muhammad went on a journey. They reached a place where there were some Arab tribes, and asked them for accommodation. However, they turned down their request. The chief of the tribe was stung then, and the people of the tribe did their best to treat him, but their attempts were in vain. Some people of the tribe said, “How about going to those people who have just settled in our area. Some of them may have treatment.” They went to them, and said, “O people! Our chief has been stung, and we have tried to treat him, but it was in vain. Can anyone of you help us? One of them said, “Yes. I can offer him ruqya ‘reading specific supplications approved by the Islamic Shari’a for seeking treatment.’ However, by Allah! We asked you for accommodation, and you turned down our request. I will not offer the ruqya until you give us some wage for doing so.’ They agreed to give them a flock of sheep. He went to their chief, and spitted over him while reciting surah al-Fatihah. The chief immediately became all right, and got up and walked as if he was released from a rope that was tight fastened. The people of the tribe gave them the agreed wage. Some of the reciter’s companions said, ‘Let’s divide the wage among us.’ However, he refused and said, ‘Do not do so. Wait until we go to the Prophetﷺ, tell him what happened, and know what he will command us to do.’ Then they went to the Messengerﷺ, and told him the story. He said to the man, ‘How do you know that surah al-Fatihah is ruqya?’ Then he said, ‘You have done the right thing. Divide the wage among you and give me a share from it.’ Thereupon, the Messengerﷺ laughed. 

Then the ayat depict the condition of man at times of ease and calamity. 

(When We bestow blessings on man, he turns away and distances himself from Us, and when affliction befalls him, he is ever despairing.) [83]

When We bestow blessings on man, he turns away. He disobeys and does not thank Us. He also distances himself from what brings him close to Us by not performing righteous deeds that pleases Us. He also becomes haughty and arrogant. When affliction befalls him, he becomes despairing of Our mercy. 

Man is generally arrogant and haughty at times of prosperity, and health. On the other hand, at times of illness and hardship, he becomes deeply sad and despairing. However, the believers do not act in this manner. They do their best to obey Allah, thank Him at times of prosperity, and invoke Him at times of afflictions so that He may grant them of His bounties.

Then Allah mentions that nothing of the conditions, deeds, and statements of people are hidden from Him. 

(Say, ‘Everyone acts according to his own way. Your Lord knows best who is rightly guided.’) [84]

O Messenger! Say, ‘Everyone acts according to his own way and manners that agree with his condition and disposition, and in harmony with his behaviors and belief. Your Lord, who has created you, knows best the rightly guided people and the misguided ones. He will recompense the evil and good doers their deserved reward.’ 

Indeed, the end of the righteous and obedient souls will be happiness and the end of the deviant and wicked souls will be loss. 

Learned Lessons  

The Quran is healing and mercy for the believers.
Listening to the Quran recitation increases the loss of the disbelievers, as they disbelieve in it.  
Man by nature forgets to thank Allah for His blessings at times of prosperity. However, when affliction befalls him, he becomes despairing. 
The believers thank Allah at times of prosperity and health, and obey and  invoke Him at times of afflictions. 
The believer and the disbeliever act according to their own way and disposition regarding following guidance and misguidance.
Allah, Exalted is He, knows best those who follow the right path, and those who go astray. Indeed, nothing is hidden from Him.

Tasir of Surah al-Isra: Ayah: 78 -81