Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tafsir of Surah Joseph: Truthfulness Reveals Facts


They came weeping to their father in the evening. 

They said, ‘O our father! Indeed, we went racing with each other and left Joseph with our belongings. Then a wolf ate him! You would not believe us, even if we were truthful.’ [Surah Joseph Ayah: 16-17] 

The brothers of Joseph told their father, Jacob, that they went to race with each other, and left him with their belongings. Then a wolf ate him when they were absent.
They said that their father would never believe them even if they were truthful in their statement because of his great love for Joseph.
It was also said that you would not believe us even if we were truthful because you did not see a sign indicating our truthfulness.

(…even if we were truthful.), this sentence reveals that they were lying. 

If they were truthful, they would not say that, as truthfulness testifies to its reality.  

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