Thursday, December 24, 2020

Biography of Messenger Muhammad & Non-Violence [Part 1]

Biography of Messenger Muhammad & Non-Violence [Part 1]
Role models are important for guiding, growing, and success of human beings. Messenger Muhammad [salla Allah alayhi wa-sallam] is the role model for the Muslims from whose biography they learn and apply the teachings of Islam. That is because Messenger Muhammad represents an embodiment of these teachings. Allah, says, interpretation of meaning, 

[Indeed, you have an excellent example in Allah’s Messenger for whoever hopes for Allah’s reward, the Last Day, and remembers Allah much. [Surah al-Ahzab: 21]

In an era in which accusing Islam and hence its messenger and followers of violence has wide currency, it is vital to highlight the non-violent practices the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad [salla Allah alayhi wa-sallam], applied in his life. 
In a world where dominance is for power, the powerful do what they want, and the law of the jungle is prevalent, it is obligatory to revive a concept more befitting to humanity; an ideal that elevates man to the horizons of dignity and nobility. It is the practice of non-violence guiding people to understanding instead of collision and respecting the rights of one another instead of tyrannizing one another.  
 Nonviolence refers to a general philosophy of refraining from violence based on moral, religious, or spiritual principles. Nonviolence refers specifically to the absence of violence and is always the choice to do no harm or the least harm, whereas passivity is the choice to do nothing. 
 Knowing and studying the Islamic perspective on non-violence in general, and nonviolence in the biography of the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad, is a crucial matter since there is a claim saying that Islam has spread by violence.
Therefore, it is worthwhile presenting how Messenger Muhammad practiced non-violence throughout his personal and public life. It is also a good idea to know how he applied the concept of non-violence when spreading Islam and dealing with his opponents and the enemies of Islam. However, it should be noted that the cause for shading light on this issue should not be a reaction to accusing Islam and its Messenger of practicing violence, as there are some incidents here and there that lead to the emergence of a phenomenon known as Islamophobia. This phenomenon has intensified more aftermath of 9/11 attacks in the U.S.A. Rather, this side in the biography of Messenger Muhammad is highlighted to unveil a sublime and bright page in his life. 
 Messenger Muhammad is a central personality in the life of every Muslim; he is the role model whose footsteps every Muslim aspires to imitate; he is the embodiment of human perfection. 
Messenger Muhammad used to follow and apply non-violent methods to achieve goals throughout his life as long as they do not violate any commands of Allah. Furthermore, he was able to overcome countless obstacles and difficulties by applying the proper method suitable to each situation he encountered, setting a map to follow for generations to come when dealing with countless circumstances. 
 Messenger Muhammad had a comprehensive, integrated, and understanding of how to build a nation as well as the utmost wisdom, and the greatest intelligence and knowledge of how to employ means in the best manner. These extra-ordinary characteristics enabled him, by the help of Allah, to instill concepts and perception about Allah, this life, and the Hereafter in his companions’ minds, and whoever deeply considers, learns from, and applies his methodology in whatever sphere of human’s activity. Indeed, the biography of Messenger Muhammad gives every generation what it needs in countless fields of life. Hence, let us present some pages of this noble biography showing examples of non-violent methods he used. 
It is easy to swim in the same direction of a river; however, it is difficult to swim in the opposite direction. If one’s goal is in the opposite direction of the river, he will patiently swim in this direction and will put up with whatever difficulty he may encounter. Likewise, changing an entire community, its belief, ethics, and thought, needs to adhere to non-violent practices patiently to achieve this goal. 
 Messenger Muhammad knew from the very beginning of his massage the nature of difficulties he might encounter throughout his mission when he went with his wife Khadija to her cousin Waraka bin Nawfal who told him, “I wish I would be alive when your people would drive you out of your city.” Messenger Muhammad said, “Will they drive me out?” Waraka replied, “Yes. No man preached a message similar to what you brought, but he was met with hostility.”  Thus, he prepared himself from the beginning of his mission to meet whatever difficulty patiently and non-violently. 
 In the beginning, Messenger Muhammad preached the message of Islam secretly for three years . This was a preparation stage, in which concentration was on building characters able to carry out the responsibility of conveying the message of Islam. This message demands having the utmost patience in dealing with its consequences. Allah says, interpretation of meaning, 

Stay patiently with those who worship their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His pleasure. Do not turn your eyes away from them, seeking the pleasure of the worldly life. Do not obey he whom We have made his heart heedless of Our remembrance, who follows his desire, and whose endeavor is fruitless. [Surah al-Kahf: 28]

This ayah draws a map for patient and non-violent conduct for everyone, in general, and those who assume positions of leadership, in particular, since their positions entail encountering situations, difficulties, and circumstances needing them to interact peacefully and open-mindedly with the situations, circumstances and the people involved. 
In this ayah, Allah commands Messenger Muhammad, the role model of the Muslims, to be patient with the flaws, mistakes, and frequent questions, even if they are incorrect, of his followers. Moreover, it instructs Messenger Muhammad to be patient if they were hesitant in carrying out his instructions. The ayah also guides him to diligently direct them to endure patiently whatever hardship they may face and that he should inform them that the task of conveying the message of Islam is difficult. 
This ayah also refers to some characteristics that those who adopt non-violent practice should have. They are patience, sincerity, resolution, determination, and persistent prayer to Allah for guidance and help, which all perfectly were exemplified in the personality of Messenger Muhammad.

Al-Hudaybiyah treaty took place in the month of dhi-al-Qa’da, 6 A.H. Messenger Muhammad announced that he would go to Mecca to perform Umra, thus, a great number of his companions, about 1400 of the Muslims, followed him. 


Reflection: Non-Violent Return

After living for almost six years in al-Madinah, Messenger Muhammad wished to visit Mecca, the place that witnessed the beginning of the message of Islam, and where he encountered painful, severe reactions from the disbelievers to the extent he was forced to leave it for fear of his life.  His purpose was to make Umra. Messenger Muhammad met the hostile, aggressive reaction of the disbelievers of Mecca with calmness and patience to the extent one wonders how he was able to react in such a manner. However, one should remember that Messenger Muhammad followed a road map that is drawn in the Qur’an by Allah, directing him to react patiently with whatever circumstances he might face when conveying the message of Islam. 
The following is an example of the hostility with which Messenger Muhammad was met in Mecca. Urwa bin az-Zubayr asked Abdul-Allah bin Umru about the severest aggression meted out against Messenger Muhammad by the disbelievers. He said I saw Uqba bin Mu’yt coming when Messenger Muhammad was praying. Uqba put his cloak around the neck of Messenger Muhammad and strangled him strongly. Thereupon, abu Bakr came and pushed him away from Messenger Muhammad. 
 Hostility, aggression, and antagonism were the memories that Messenger Muhammad had about the disbelievers of Mecca. The natural first reaction that a person, who faced such hostile treatment, would be violence and retaliation when an opportunity arises. However, this was not the choice of Messenger Muhammad. His choice was visiting the House of the One who entrusted him with conveying His message, Allah, and leaving behind every unpleasant memory.
Before reaching Mecca, Messenger Muhammad dispatched someone to find out the news of the people of Mecca. The man told him that they prepared an army to fight and prevent him from making the Umra. Thus, Messenger Muhammad, after consulting with his companions, took another rugged rocky route to avoid confrontation with the Meccans. When he and his companions reached a place called Thaniyat al-Marar, his she-camel, al-Qaswa’, stumbled and knelt down and was too stubborn to move. The companions of Messenger Muhammad tried their best to cause the she-camel to move but in vain. So, they said, “al-Qaswa’ has become stubborn!” Messenger Muhammad said, “’al-Qaswa’ has not become stubborn and it is not her habit, but it stopped her what stopped the elephant, i.e. Allah prevented her from entering Mecca as He prevented the elephant of Abraha from entering Mecca when it was brought to destroy al-Ka’ba.” Ad-Dawudi said, “When Messenger Muhammad saw that his she-camel knelt down and did not move, he knew that Allah wanted to turn them from fighting with the Meccans.”  Then he said, “By the name of Him in whose Hands my soul is, if they, the Meccans, asked me anything that would respect the ordinances of Allah, I would grant it to them.” Then, he rebuked the she-camel, and then she got up and moved. 

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