Saturday, June 29, 2024

Requirements Needed for al-Mufti (Mujtahid)


Usul Al-Fiqh Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Al-Waraqat

Concise Introduction to Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Based on al-Waraqat [Part 30] 

Requirements Needed for al-Mufti (Mujtahid)

Al-Mufti is a Muslim scholar who uses the proofs of Islamic Shariah, e.g. Quranic, Sunna proofs…etc. to deduce rules. 
Al-Mufti is eligible to give fatwa, namely, rules of Islamic law on a particular matter. 
Al-Mufti should have knowledge of the principles and branches of Fiqh
including agreed and disagreed matters among the scholars of Fiqh.
Al-Mufti should be competent in juristic reasoning, i.e. he knows the rules of deduction, objectives of Islamic Shariah, and effective causes of rules.
Al-Mufti should have knowledge of sciences that are needed to make deduction, such as deep knowledge of Arabic language and grammar, solid knowledge about the scholars of hadith, interpretation of the ayat of the Quran, and hadiths related to rules of Shariah.

Order of Proofs According to the Principles of Usul Al-Fiqh

English Translation of Surah Al-Insan Ayah 4-12 The Recompense of the Believers and the Disbelievers on the Day of Judgment

A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC LEGAL THEORY based on Imām al Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī’s Kitāb al Waraqāt (كتاب الورقات)

The Noble Quran Juz Tabarak English Translation and Tafsir Kindle Edition

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