Sunday, August 25, 2024

Surah Al-Insan: The Reward of the Believers in Paradise


Tafsir Surah Al-Insan The reward of the believers

English Translation of Surah Al-Insan Ayah 13-22

 The Reward of the Believers in Paradise

76:13 reclining therein on couches; they shall see therein neither sun nor bitter cold.

76:14 And closely above them its shades shall be, and its fruits shall be made within their reach.

76:15 And there shall be passed around them vessels of silver and cups of crystal,

76:16 crystal of sliver that they have measured, exact measure. 

76:17 And they shall be given to drink there a cup whose mixture is ginger,

76:18 a spring therein, called Salsabil. 

76:19 And around them shall go boys of everlasting youngness; if you see them, you would think that they are scattered pearls.

76:20 And when look therein, you shall see bliss and a great kingdom. 

76:21 Upon them shall be green garments of silk and brocade, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall give them a pure drink.

76:22 Surely this is a recompense for you and your striving is thanked.

Relationship with the Previous Part

The previous part mentions some of the blessings that Allah, Exalted be He, has prepared for the pious believers in Paradise. Then, this part continues to mention more blessings that Allah has prepared for them in Paradise. It gives a detailed description of their dwellings, drinks, servants, and utensils. 


 76:13 reclining therein on couches; they shall see therein neither sun nor bitter cold.

76:14 And closely above them its shades shall be, and its fruits shall be made within their reach.

Allah, out of His mercy, has prepared a great reward for the pious believers in Paradise because they patiently obeyed His commands in the worldly life. They will be reclining on couches in Paradise where they shall see neither sun that may harm them with its hotness nor bitter cold that may hurt them with its coldness. 

The intended meaning is that the pious believers will enjoy mild weather in Paradise.   

While the pious believers enjoy happily reclining on comfortable couches in Paradise, the shades of the trees of Paradise will be closely above them, which is an aspect of great honor to them. In addition, Allah, out of His mercy, shall make the fruits of Paradise within the reach of its dwellers. They will be easily able to have them whether they are sitting, standing, or reclining, which is another aspect of the great honor that Allah has prepared for them in Paradise. 

76:15 And there shall be passed around them vessels of silver and cups of crystal,

76:16 crystal of sliver that they have measured, exact measure. 

After describing the food and the garments of the dwellers of Paradise, the surah describes their drink.

Vessels of silver and cups made of crystal shall be passed around the pious believers in Paradise. The material from which the vessels are made is clear like crystal and beautiful like sliver so that it can easily be seen what inside them is. Moreover, the servants who pass the cups around the dwellers of Paradise shall give them the exact measure of the drink without any decrease or increase. 

Abdul Allah Ibn Abbas, may Allah have mercy on them, said, ‘[76:15 And there shall be passed around them vessels of silver and cups of crystal,] The vessels are made of silver and they are like crystal with regard to their clarity and beauty.’ 

76:17 And they shall be given to drink there a cup whose mixture is ginger,

76:18 a spring therein, called Salsabil. 

In Paradise, the pious believers shall be given to drink from cups whose mixture is ginger. Mixing the drink with ginger with its aromatic and fresh smell makes it more delicious and appealing. In addition, the dwellers of Paradise shall be given to drink from a spring therein that is called Salsabil. It is called so because its water is fresh, easily, and pleasantly passes through the throat, and it does not have the spicy taste of ginger. 

76:19 And around them shall go boys of everlasting youngness; if you see them, you would think that they are scattered pearls.

The pious believers shall have servants in Paradise. Those servants are boys of everlasting youngness as they never get old. If one sees those servants, he would think that they are scattered pearls because of their great beauty. The servants go around the believers in Paradise to serve them and offer them all kinds of comfort.

It should be noted that the ayah emphasizes that the servants of the believers in Paradise are boys of everlasting youngness to remove any misunderstanding that they may become older at any time in the future. Rather, they will remain young forever. Moreover, the servants are likened to scattered pearls because scattered pearls on a carpet are more beautiful than a pearl necklace. 

76:20 And when look therein, you shall see bliss and a great kingdom. 

O beholder, if you look inside Paradise and see its bliss, you shall see immeasurable bliss and a great kingdom. 

76:21 Upon them shall be green garments of silk and brocade, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall give them a pure drink.

The ayah mentions another aspect of the great bliss that the pious believers shall enjoy in Paradise. They shall wear green garments made from silk and brocade, which indicates that they shall have the best kinds of garments and they shall enjoy wearing whatever kinds of clothes they want. Moreover, the pious believers shall be adorned with bracelets made of silver. Besides the beautiful garments and the sliver bracelets that the pious believers shall enjoy in Paradise, Allah, the Generous and the Giver of all blessings, will make them drink a pure drink. This drink is free from all negative effects that the drinks of the worldly life may have. 

76:22 Surely this is a recompense for you and your striving is thanked.

After mentioning the different kinds of enjoyments that Allah has prepared for the pious believers in Paradise, surah al-Insan mentions what the angels shall say to pious believers to honor them.

By the command and permission of Allah, Exalted be He, the angels shall say to the pious believers, ‘Surely, this bliss that you enjoy in Paradise is recompense for you for sincere faith and righteous deeds in the worldly life. Your hard strive and work are thanked and accepted, and it will be rewarded generously.’

Learned Lessons from Surah Al-Insan Ayah 13-22 

The pious believers shall enjoy lasting bliss in Paradise. They shall be reclining on couches and they shall not experience heat nor coldness therein. In addition, the shades of the trees of Paradise shall be above them to increase their enjoyment.

The fruits of the trees of Paradise shall be close to the pious believers and they shall easily have them whenever they want whether they are standing, sitting, or relining.

Boys of everlasting youngness shall serve the pious believers in Paradise. They shall be given cups made of silver or gold to drink. 

The pious believers shall drink from a spring in Paradise that is mixed with ginger and they shall also drink from a spring that is called Salsabil from which they shall drink fresh and pleasant drink.

The enjoyment of Paradise is so great that no one can describe it properly.

The pious believers shall wear garments made from silk and brocade and they shall be adorned with bracelets made of silver.

It will be said to the pious believers in Paradise that they enjoy such pleasure therein as a reward for their sincere belief in the Oneness of Allah and the righteous deeds that they patiently did in worldly life for the sake of Allah, Exalted be He.

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The Noble Quran Juz Tabarak English Translation and Tafsir Kindle Edition

English Translation of Surah Al-Insan

Monday, August 12, 2024

Ijtihad (Juristic Reasoning)according to the principles of Islamic jurisprudence

Ijtihad According to the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence based on Al-Waraqat

 Concise Introduction to Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Based on al-Waraqat [Part 33] 

Ijtihad (Juristic Reasoning)according to the principles of Islamic jurisprudence

Linguistically, ijtihad means to exert and make strenuous effort. Technically, Ijtihad (Juristic Reasoning) means exerting every effort and doing one’s best to achieve a conclusive or conjectural Shariah rule.

When a mujtahid is competent in juristic reasoning and makes juristic reasoning regarding conjectural Fiqh issues, then if reaches the correct opinion, he will attain double rewards from Allah. On the other hand, if does not reach the correct opinion, he will attain one reward.

Some scholars say that every mujtahid regarding conjectural Fiqh issues is correct. Hence, according to this opinion, he will attain double rewards. 

The proof of those, who say that not every mujtahid regarding conjectural Fiqh issues reaches the correct opinion, is the statement of Messenger Muhammad, who said, “If a judge makes a juristic reasoning and comes to the correct opinion, then he will attain double rewards. And if he makes judgment and comes to incorrect opinion, then he will attain one reward.”  Explanation: Messenger Muhammad divided the mujtahid into two types in this statement: one who comes to a correct opinion, and one who does not come to the correct opinion. If both of them are correct, then such division will make no sense.  

It is impermissible to say that every mujtahid regarding creedal issues comes to the correct opinion. Rather, only one mujtahid comes to the correct opinion in this regard. It is impermissible to say so because that will lead to validating the opinions of the misguided ones such as the Christians, the Magians, the disbelievers, and the atheists.

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